
Summary: Jesus is still Alive and doing things for all of us!

1. Living before God Our Father

Before I got saved from my sins, I lived in fear of eternal Hell knowing God was seeing all I ever do or did! I didn't want God to see what I was doing and I wanted to continue to do those things. They made me feel good and I was having fun doing them. That all changed when I was 13 and God got ahold of my heart! I literally fell in love with Jesus, My Savior. Greater love has no man than this; That a Man lay down his life for his friends! Jesus did that for you and I! John 15:13

2. In the Begining...

As I started my walk with Christ, I jumped in with both feet wanting to do all I could to serve Jesus. Youth group activities, telling my friends and family about my salvation and even leading some of them to Christ! This all took my life in a different direction than I thought I would go as a teen and then into my married life. By Grace are you saved not of works less you boast of what you have done. Eph 2:8

3. Now that I'm married, have a great career, and...Jesus!

Married life became a great adventure, having 3 sons and a great job. I engaged with our Pastor and began 20 years of understudying ministry and pastoral care with our senior Pastor. Then came the news our pastor was fighting cancer. This would shake our church and engage all of us to years of prayer for our Pastor and his family. In the last days, everything that can be shaken will be shaken! Matt: 24:29

4.Change can be good even when it seems bad!

As our Pastor went home to be with Jesus, I fell into pastoral responsibilities I had not encountered before. This is how God often works. He takes the unsual and makes it extrodinary! Jer. 29:11 God knows the plans He has for each of us.

Just when I thought as a 13 year old that I would just sit in church, sing the songs and worship, and do all of those youth activities, Jesus was saying "It is finished but I'm not finished with you."

The journey would take the mighty hand of the living God to guide me as God had led his own Son!

Can we be like Christ? Yes except as the perfect sacrifice and atonement for our sins. Only Jesus could do that.

Christ came to heal the sick, raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind, make the lame to walk, cleanse the leper, but above all save the Jew first and then the Gentiles. Jesus said these things and more shall you do In My Name! Mark 16:15-18

Christ came to lead the way for all mankind to know how, who, and when we can approach the Mercy Seat to be redemned from our sins, delivered from our iniquities, and be set free indeed!

Christ came that we may have life and have it more abundantly! Incredible and Miricleous! John 11:25 Jesus is the resurrection and the LIFE!

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