
Summary: An uncompromising gospel .

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Longton Elim 12/02/17 Pm Meeting


Good evening to you all, it is a privilege to have this opportunity to share the word of God with you.

Title: By The Way

This evening I would like to bring John 14 1-6 as our text

As it has been said before we are living in very interesting times, Times, as a child I can remember playing cowboys and Indians !! waiting for the T.V to warm up !! playing over the fields with my friends, learning to ride my bike (Times of political upheaval) where it is becoming difficult to know what to believe? (Blurring the Genders) (Binary Gender)

Often time when I am engaged in conversation about the Lord to those who are not saved I hear many of the same responses

• I believe in God but don’t go to church, you don’t have too, I believe my way.

• I watch songs of praise on a Sunday. I don’t want to be a passenger on the bus of religion

• Well the church is full of Hypocrites (We are all a work in process but admit it} (Forty years of Travel )

• I do what I can I am a good person (Pride No Need for a saviour) (Rich young ruler) This man had so much but lost much more

• Then there is the issue of the multiplicity of religions, approx. 4,200 world religions and among those there are the main 5 which are

1. New Age 2 Islam, 3Hinduism, 4 Buddhism, 5 Christianity.

You hear the comment that it doesn’t matter who you worship its all the same God!


Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Berean Study Bible

John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus was speaking to his disciples here

, Let us consider these jointly, and with reference to each other. Christ is the way, the truth, and the life; that is, 1. He is the beginning, the middle, and the end. In him we must set out, go on, and finish. As the truth, he is the guide of our way; as the life, he is the end of it. 2. He is the true and living way (Heb. 10:20); there are truth and life in the way, as well as at the end of it. 3. He is the true way to life, the only true way; other ways may seem right, but the end of them is the way of death.

[2.] The necessity of his mediation: No man cometh to the Father but by me. Fallen man must come to God as a Judge, but cannot come to him as a Father, otherwise than by Christ as Mediator. We cannot perform the duty of coming to God, by repentance and the acts of worship, without the Spirit and grace of Christ, nor obtain the happiness of coming to God as our Father without his merit and righteousness; he is the high priest of our profession, our advocate.

There is a popularism that there is some sort of yellow brick road that we all will travel on and eventually end up in the land of Oz finding our own enlightenment. This is one of the great untruths of this age.

Are we truly following the way ?

Do we feel like the restricted Christian?

( I would love to do so much but you see there are lots problems and real reasons that I can’t ) are we fear full of being laughed at ? losing our friends? May be you are going through a real tough time right now? Jesus said to his disciples, LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED TRUST in GOD TRUST ALSO IN ME. You see Jesus speaking to his disciple’s words of comfort and power and as a disciple of the living Christ these words are as powerful to you today as they were to the disciples then. Where your treasure is your hart is also (LOOK UP)

Testimony of Alex and God Moving in the Tuff Times

You see God found Gideon in a hole, he found joseph in a prison, He found Daniel in a Lion’s Den. HE HAS A CURIOUS HABIT OF SHOWING UP IN THE MIDST OF TROUBLE, NOT THE ABSENCE. Where the world see failing God sees future next time you feel unqualified to be used by God remember this, he tends to recruit from the pit not the pulpit. (Face Book).

The Bible tells us clearly that we cannot save ourselves.

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

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