
Summary: Jesus withdrew back to that place with a heavy heart because the people had filled their stomach but failed to know who the Giver was!

Jesus withdrew again to the mountain!

John 6:15:Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.”

The words ‘Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by Himself’ captured my attention and I started going deeper into the scripture, if you don’t observe the word ‘again’ then you would miss the essence of this message. Jesus went back ‘again’ to the same mountain all by Himself now – alone! Imagine the mountain now which was some time back filled with people, filled with joy, filled with bread and fish, filled with kids running around holding the fish in their hands, filled with laughter and Jesus in their midst! But Jesus was now alone! Jesus withdrew back to that place with a heavy heart because the people had filled their stomach but failed to know who the Giver was! They said: "This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!"(John 6:14) Alas, they looked at Him as just a Prophet!

The daughter of my cook who works in my school is going through tremendous problems in her marriage; married just six months back, her husband asked her to go back. The cook would come every day with tears narrating all her problems. I had prayed for her and requested her to attend our meetings, but not once did she attend; however, with the photograph of her daughter and son-in-law they had gone to meet a Christian servant of God who looked at the photo and prophesied it seems and told them that her daughter was the reason for all the problems. People love this rather than hard prayer, people want prophesies rather than hear the voice of God themselves. She was so thrilled about all this and told me that God was great! I wonder if she knew what she was talking about! Despite all the problems, she would religiously follow all the hindu rituals, refuse to eat without doing pooja – overall she was a hardcore hindu woman who just loves the rituals than who she is doing it for. You got it now? The real God is lost in the midst of all these false ways! There are many out there who wonder why God is not speaking to them – when we fail to respond to His love, He would go back to the mountain. Caveat!

When He fed the humongous crowd with abundant food and filled their bellies, it was actually a beginning of what He wanted to do more their life. Do you hear me? The miracle of feeding 5000 and more people, was actually meant as an eye-opener to make them look at HIM! Look at Jesus who is the Provider and Giver!

Alas, they failed !

After three years of suffering, running, chasing, waiting and much more frustrations, we were able to distribute free text books to our Abide School children. As I watched them hold those colorful books in their arms, my heart thanked the Lord for the miracle and I kept telling them that it was Jesus who gave them the blessings. One young boy who had been with us from the initial days of running the school said: ‘Madam, if we are patient during the initial days of our suffering then Jesus would lead us to more blessings. Until that point of time, we got to be humble and patient. He is God and would never fail us!’ His name is Karun Kumar, son of a road laborer, aged 14 who had a clear picture of Jesus!

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