
Jesus: Our Guiding Stone

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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This sermon explores Jesus as our guiding stone, interpreting Samuel's statement, 'Thus far the Lord has helped.'


Our Ebenezer Stone

1 Samuel 7:12

When we hear the name "Ebenezer," we often think of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" and its main character, Ebenezer Scrooge. However, there is another Ebenezer that is more famous yet less known. It is not a person, real or imagined, but rather a stone that the prophet Samuel placed in Israel to remember how the Lord had helped them.

In 1 Samuel 7:12, Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, calling it Ebenezer, which means "The Stone of Help." He declared, "Thus far the Lord has helped us." Some may interpret this statement as implying that the Lord only helped them up to a certain point and no further. However, when we examine the story, we see that the Lord not only helped them in the past but also in the present and into the future.

The Importance of Remembering

One important word in this verse is "us." God personalizes His help and desires to assist us where we are and where He wants us to go. So, where are you in your journey? What has the Lord done in your life? What does God want to continue doing in and through your life? These are essential questions that God wants us to reflect upon.

To understand the significance of 1 Samuel chapter 7, we need to go back to when Samuel was a young boy serving in the tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant resided. At that time, Israel was at war with the Philistines. They gathered at Ebenezer, and in the ensuing battle, 4,000 Israelites lost their lives. Instead of seeking God's guidance through prayer, they mistakenly believed that their defeat was due to God not being with them.

Without seeking God's direction, they sent for the Ark of the Covenant, thinking that having it with them would ensure victory. However, the Philistines not only defeated them but also captured the Ark. This event marked a low point for Israel, as the glory of the Lord departed from them.

Twenty years later, the people gathered at Mizpah to seek the Lord. They fasted, lamented, and mourned, remembering their defeat and the Philistine oppression that followed. God calls us to remember both the miracles and deliverances He has performed in our lives and the consequences of our sins.

In Revelation 2:5, Jesus instructs the church in Ephesus to remember where they have fallen and to repent. Through the prophet Isaiah, God urges His people to recall the former things and not forget His power and uniqueness. Remembering our past helps us avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

The Power of Repentance

The people of Israel repented and committed themselves to seeking God's face. They gathered at Mizpah, which means "the Lord watches," under God's watchful eye. They fasted, lamented, and mourned over their sins. This mourning leads us to the second aspect of "Thus Far."

Repentance is an essential part of the present. The Israelites pleaded with Samuel not to stop praying for them, as they believed it was their only hope for deliverance from the Philistines. Samuel offered a sacrifice of a lamb and cried out to the Lord on behalf of Israel. The Lord answered with a loud shout, causing confusion among the Philistines and routing them.

The spiritual significance of this victory cannot be overlooked. It began with the sacrifice of a lamb, foreshadowing Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). Our victory starts at the cross, where Jesus sacrificed Himself for our sins. When we accept His sacrifice and invite Him into our hearts, the Lord shouts from heaven and routs Satan.

The battle was won through the blood of the Lamb, the prayers of the saints, and the Word of God. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is the foundation of our victory. We are called to pray and seek God's face, knowing that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. Additionally, God's voice is found in His Word, the Bible.

Moving Forward in Victory

The victory at Mizpah was not the end but a new beginning. Israel continued to experience battles and victories as they reclaimed what the enemy had stolen. Similarly, our journey of faith includes trials, temptations, and battles. However, through Jesus Christ, our Ebenezer stone, we can reclaim what the enemy has taken from us.

To experience an Ebenezer revival, we must return to the Lord with all our hearts, put away foreign gods and idols, prepare our hearts for the Lord, and serve Him alone. These three elements are crucial for seeing God move mightily in our lives.

Returning to the Lord means repenting and turning away from sin. We must fully commit our hearts to follow God's ways and serve Him alone. By doing so, we can experience victory in our lives.

"Thus far" reminds us to remember the past, repent in the present, and look forward to a future filled with victory. Our help does not come from our own plans or strength but from the Lord God alone. As Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Let us set up our own Ebenezer stone in our lives and build it in the house of God, in the house of the Lamb. The Lord has helped us thus far, and He will continue to help us as we rely on Him and move forward in faith.


In conclusion, the story of the Ebenezer stone reminds us of the importance of remembering God's faithfulness in our lives. It calls us to repentance and seeking God's face in the present, knowing that He is our source of victory. As we move forward in faith, we can reclaim what the enemy has stolen and experience a revival in our relationship with God.

May we always remember that our help comes from the Lord, and may we set up our own Ebenezer stones as a testimony to His faithfulness. Let us continue to seek Him, serve Him, and trust Him as we journey through life, knowing that He has helped us thus far and will continue to help us in the future.

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