Jesus Our Advocate
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The ministry of Jesus as our Advocate. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
Great Titles of Jesus - Advocate
Reading: 1 John chapter 2 verses 1-6.
• A speaker at a Harvest Festival service;
• Asked the children to name some of the things they saw on display.
• One boy said; “Carrots”.
• Another said; “Potatoes”;
• Another said; “Peas”.
• The speaker then asked them the question:
• “Can anyone give me a word that covers all these things?”
• There was a few minutes silence;
• Then one little boy shouted out; “Gravy!”
The many names and titles of Jesus;
• Cover or embrace a whole load of theological and practical truth!
• That is so true for tonight’s study – ‘Advocate’.
• Because we rarely use the word 'Advocate' in everyday language;
• We need to find out it's meaning - how an 'Advocate' fits into our everyday world.
(1). The Meaning & Importance of the term:
(1). The meaning in the everyday world:
• Quote: Dictionary:
• "An advocate is one that pleads the cause of another".
• Actually the word 'Advocate' it's a legal term:
• e.g. TV court room - Rumpole of the Bailey or Cavanah QC.
• An ‘Advocate’ is a Barrister or an Attorney or councillor.
• Now in a court of law an 'Advocate' can represent both sides:
• They act as prosecutors against you,
• Or the defence barrister, for you.
• But both are 'Advocates':
• One who represents the law, and one who represents you.
• An 'Advocate' simply means:
• Someone who will present someone else's case,
• To some other person or to some other authority,
• And to represent them in the most favourable light.
(2). The meaning in the New Testament:
• In the N.T. the word 'Advocate' is only used by one writer - the apostle John,
• He uses it several times in his gospel & once in this letter (1 John).
Note: To get a fuller understanding of what an 'Advocate' is & does:
• We need to take a quick look at how John uses this word in his Gospel,
• Put a marker in 1 John chapter 2 and for a few minutes turn to John's gospel chapter 14.
Background to the chapter:
• Jesus is celebrating a Jewish feast called Passover,
• He is with his twelve disciples in an upper room, this was to be there last night together,
• In a few hours Jesus knew he was going to be arrested,
• Falsely tried by a kangaroo court and then beaten and nailed to a cross to die.
• He also knew that the disciples he was leaving behind would be lonely and afraid,
• So he told them of one (the Holy Spirit) who was going to take his place,
• In talking about the Holy Spirit;
• The apostle John links him to the Greek word translated as ‘Advocate’ in 1 John chapter 2.
• In this chapter (John 14) the Greek word translated as 'Advocate':
• Is used in reference to the Holy Spirit and not Jesus.
• But as we see what it means concerning the Holy Spirit as an ‘Advocate’;
• It will help us to understand how Jesus is also an 'Advocate'.
Quote: John 14 verse 16:
"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another (here's the word this time translated as counsellor) COUNSELLOR to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth".
Now the Greek word translated in our English Bibles as:
• 'Advocate' or 'Comforter' or 'Counsellor'.
• Is made up of two Greek terms:
• The term 'Para', which always means 'Alongside'.
If I stand by this pulpit I am 'Para' the pulpit.
Para-chute or Para-llel lines or Para-llel lines.
• 'Kaleo', which means 'To call'.
Call you out the front.
• I would have 'Kaleo' you,
• I would have called you out.
• Combined those two terms make up the word:
• 'Par-a-kle-tos' and mean, 'To call alongside'
• Now one more thing to note about this word:
• If I called you out the front to stand by me.
• I have 'Pa-ra-Kle-tos' you.
• I have 'Called along-side' me, someone.
• Now the word 'Advocate’ – ‘Councillor' means that and much more:
• I would not have called you out for a definite purpose, but just to explain a point.
• In the New Testament 'Pa-ra-kle-tos' not only means:
• The 'Called alongside one', but there is a purpose to his being there:
• In other words the 'Parakletos' is there to:
• To assist, to comfort, to counsel, to defend, to intercede on behalf of another.