
Summary: Palm Sunday message-

Jesus not only weeps but dies for us


Introduction- This morning we gather on Palm Sunday.

This is the last Sunday before we celebrate resurrection Sunday and the victory achieved by Jesus over the grave and death.

Palm Sunday is treated like a foot note to the resurrection as Jesus came triumphantly into the city of Jerusalem.

We see in scripture that Jesus had prepared for this day throughout the years of ministry that He spent on this earth.

He had told them who he was and what He was sent to do by His heavenly Father.

He healed people, He showed compassion.

He spoke as one that was in authority of the Word of God and had an anointing that drew people to Himself and they sensed that He was someone special.

The problem was they thought he was the one who was going to save them from Roman bondage and thought he was the leader that would start a revolt to bring change.

He was special but they had no idea of how special He was and what His true job was for mankind.

We see him weeping over Jerusalem as he takes that monumental road to begin his journey to the cross.

We almost want to create two scenarios – one where Jesus went to the cross and one where Jesus was resurrected from the dead. It is a package deal because both have to take place for us to receive the redemption for our sins. We forget just how much that redemption has cost Jesus and what a great free gift it is to us.

We see Jesus in Luke 19 prepare to have his donkey ready for his ride into Jerusalem and we see a crowd of people anxiously waiting for his arrival and when he does come into the city they put out the red carpet and hail him as a king – Hosanna… Hosanna – God save us! God save us.

We see that they had no idea why Jesus was really coming, it was not to be the power and strength they thought they needed against the Romans but that he was coming to redeem their broke n and dead soul that needed not a leader of an army but a savior that would and could save them from their sins.

I want you to see the weeping Jesus coming into Jerusalem but I also want you to see the sacrificial Jesus who was going to complete his task as savior. We forget about the week that was ahead of him what we call holy week. It was not compassion and love for Jesus shown by the Romans, but it is compassion and love shown by Jesus for each and everyone of us. We forget his betrayal by those that only a few days earlier were saying God save us and then yelling with intense hatred crucify him… crucify him.

I am going to be bouncing around some scripture so stay with me… Luke 19:41- “As they approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it, and said, if you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace- but now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Jesus had been identified as the Son of David- that is why as he approached some were saying Son of David have mercy on us. David’s relationship with Jerusalem was a kingly authority. In the past Jerusalem was judged for what? Not listening to the prophets, not seeing that a savior was coming, rejecting the Son of God.

Jesus looks at the city of Jerusalem and weeps because they put their trust in the Son of David and would reject the Son of God coming. As a reader, we see no hope in what they put their faith in and they were rejecting the only hope that could save them.

He says as he comes into the city- “if you had only known on this day what would bring you peace- but now it is hidden from your eyes.”

How many people are looking for Jesus to bail them out and miss who Jesus is? He came to be Lord of our lives. It is hidden from them because they do not know Him. The week as Jesus moves to the cross cannot be forgotten or made minor in the big picture of redemption.

Jesus first act going into the city was to go to the Temple and begin driving out the money changers. He says that judgment will begin in the house of God and that the temple is to be a place of prayer. Then he teaches in the same temple- he predicts his own death. “The Son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chef priests, and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” Luke 20

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By: Shaila Touchton

You viewed this on Friday, March 28
