
Summary: Jesus Ministry Jesus' sphere of activity Jesus' daily activities Jesus' fame spread Jesus' power. Jesus' following

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I. Introduction: I used the outline found in the "Preachers Sermon and Outline Bible"

A. Several women, each trying to one-up the other, appeared in court, each accusing the others of causing the trouble they were having in the apartment building where they lived. The judge, with Solomon-like wisdom decreed, "Okay, I'm ready to hear the evidence...I'll hear the oldest first." The case was dismissed for lack of testimony.

B. Lets face it, a successful ministry is a ministry that follows in the footsteps of the Lord

1. This passage shows both what the Lord did and the results of what He did

2. His activities set a pattern for every believer, minister and layman alike

a. In actually there is no difference between a minister and a layman

b. Only a difference in ministry

3. We can outline our passage as follows

a. Jesus' sphere of activity (v.23)

b. Jesus' daily activities (v.23)

c. Jesus' fame spread thru Syria (v.24)

d. Jesus' power (v.24).

e. Jesus' following (v.25)

(1) So lets turn to Matthew 4:23

II. Body

A. Jesus' sphere of activity

Matthew 4:23 (NKJV)

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.

1. First of all, where did Jesus minister? Three things can be said about where Jesus ministered

a. First, He went throughout all Galilee

(1) He went throughout the whole area which He had set out to reach, the area, so to speak, which had been assigned to Him.

(2) Once committed to an area, He was responsible and faithful to it.

(a) What a lesson for believers on commitment, assignments, and responsibilities

b. Second, He went where there was a ready audience

(1) He went where people would receive and hear Him, that is, in the synagogue

c. Third, He went where teaching and preaching were expected, in the synagogue

(1) He did not teach exclusively in the synagogue, but it was one of the primary places of His ministry

(a) Turn to Matthew 20:28

d. You know, every believer should have the same thing said about him that is said about Jesus: that he went forth just as God commanded Him

(1) In Matthew 20:28 we have Jesus own words

Matthew 20:28 (NKJV)

"just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

(2) And Luke 19:10, again, Jesus own words

Luke 19:10 (NKJV)

"for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."

e. Note a significant point: Jesus followed the form of service already established

(1) He did not try to change the establishment, not organizationally

(2) He was on mission, and He had to have a receptive

(3) He refused to be sidetracked by secondary matters which might cause change and disturb the people

(4) Secondary matters would only detract from His preaching and ministering.

(a) Lets look again at Matthew 4:23

2. Think about the Synagogue

Matthew 4:23 (NKJV)

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.

a. The synagogue was the most important institution in the life of a Jew

b. It was the center of worship for the Jew, yet it was also the center of learning and education

c. Services and discussions were conducted daily in most synagogues

(1) I remember one of my professors saying that in the cities, towns, and villages the topic of conversation for the first three days of the week was what had happened in the synagogue the previous Sabbath, and for the second three days what they anticipated would happen to coming Sabbath.

(2) The synagogue was the center of worship in a city, town or village

(3) The synagogue was the school in a city, town or village

(4) The synagogue was the cultural center in a city, town or village

(5) The synagogue was the social center in a city, town or village

d. Wherever Jews were scattered over the world, every colony, no matter how small, they built their synagogue

(1) Some cities had many synagogues

(a) Jerusalem is an example, there were hundreds of synagogues within the city

(b) Five are mentioned in Acts 6:9

(2) A synagogue service included prayers, Scripture reading, and a lecture or discussion

(3) Distinguished persons, local or strangers, were invited to take part in the service; therefore, the door of the synagogue was wide open to Christ

(4) Using the synagogue was part of His strategy

(5) It was also the strategy of Paul when the synagogues were open to him

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