Jesus Meaning Of Life Series
Contributed by Jesse Bennett on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many people don’t have life they don’t even know what life is/ They don’t understand life they live there lives very pessimistically: John 10:10 10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, an
Jesus The meaning of live
Jesse Bennett
Bible Baptist Church
Shawnee Oklahoma
John 11:1-26
I want to tell you:
Jesus is the only reason we live. Jesus came so that we might have life.
John 10:10 10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
I. Most people today don’t have life, they have existence:
a. They are fighting to live and living to fight.
b. They are drawing their breath and drawing a salary… one day is turning into another.
C. they have existence but they don’t have life.
(Answer) they got it all backwards.
II. Lets take life for a minute and look at it life L.I.F.E. / life is the way we live L.I.V.E.
a. If you take live and spell it backward what is it E.V.I.L. (live backwards)
b. After you’ve lived and if you haven’t lived for JESUS, if you’ve lived for some other reason.
. When your life is over and you’ve lived without Jesus..
. Just spell lived backwards D.E.V.I.L.
(Answer)Folks-Jesus has come so that you might have life/
Satin wants to rob you of that life.
The devil comes to still kill and destroy.
We are not fools for following Jesus Christ.
Jesus wants you to have life to the full.
Many people don’t have life they don’t even know what life is/ They don’t understand life they live there lives very pessimistically: Riley said “youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret” . This might be true if you don’t know the LORD JESUS.
Shakespeare said “ life is a tale told by an idiot full of sound a furry signifying nothing”
Some college students were asked to give the definitions of life for the school news paper: here is what some students wrote who won honorable mention:
“Life is a joke, that isn’t even funny”
Another said “life is a disease and death is the cure”
One said “life is a jail sentence that we get for the crime of being born”
Think about Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dr. Death I wander what makes that man tick.
He said about faith and life Dr Death” Some people base there whole life on mythology (he thinks what we believe is a myth) Religion is an internal spiritual world, I have my own god Johan Sebastian Bach (that’s his god, he goes on to say) at least my god is real (yes and his god is dead)”
Let’s read what the LORD JESUS says about life:
John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
I’d rather go with what Jesus said than what those Shakespeare or Kevorkian or those collage students said or any person that doesn’t understand the meaning of life.
This is the greatest truth. This is the truth we need to learn.
We have been studying 7 miracles in the gospel of John
(Review) We’ve been looking a how miracles and they have a message.
Miracles of glory that have in them a message of grace.
The miracles happened to teach us great spiritual truths.
1. Jesus turned water into wine, why? (Jesus is the answer to man’s disappointment.)
2. Jesus healed the nobleman’s son he had difficulty believing (Jesus answer to man’s doubt)
3. Jesus healed the man at the pool, why? (Jesus is the answer to man’s disability)
4. Jesus fed the 5000, why? (Jesus is the answer to mans desire) He is the bread of life.
5. Jesus walked on water, why?(Jesus is Gods answer to man’s despair)
6. Jesus opened the eyes of the blind man, why? (Jesus is the answer to man’s darkness.)
Today we are looking at the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead.
Now did Jesus raise Lazarus from the grave so that he might live, no Lazarus died again.
I am the resurrection and the life.
Miracles of glory that speak of greater miracles of grace.
Believe in miracles but trust in Jesus Christ.
If you want full life abundant life.
I. Step one: I must experience life in Jesus
John 11:14 Jesus says Lazarus is dead. Lazarus has a king sized problem.
You probably could say a lot of nice things about Lazarus but overwhelmingly he was dead.
You might say Lazarus is surrounded by friends but he is dead.
You could probably tell me a lot of wonderful things about you today but if you don’t’ know the Lord Jesus what does it matter if your dead.