
Summary: We must be a witness



ACTS 1: 8-11

I. The very last words spoken by Jesus before ascending to Heaven

A. Ye shall receive power

1. We still have that same power today

B. Ye shall be witnesses

1. In Jerusalem- city

2. Judea- county

3. Samaria- state

4. Uttermost part of the earth

(a) wherever you go -- vacations etc.

(b) send others -- a part of every dollar you put in church goes to missions

Lottie Moon -- 100% goes to foreign missions

Annie Armstrong -- 100% goes to home missions

II. Ye men of Galilee why stand ye here gazing up into Heaven

A. Ye people - why are you sitting here contented and comfortable - you have your


III. The prerequisites ACTS 1: 14A

A. In one accord

1. Harmony , agreement , single purpose

B. Prayer

1. First and most important step in doing anything for the Lord

IV. The results LUKE 24: 51-53

A. Returned with great joy

1. Who wants to be part of a full time funeral march

B. Continually in church

2. A Christians duty to be in church

3. Your neighbors know how often you miss church

V. The word that Jesus used was SHALL be my witnesses

A. Not optional

B. Prayer is great, fellowship and harmony is great, being happy and joyous is great,

regular church attendance is great, but none of these relieves us from our

responsibility to be a witness

C. Nothing is more important

1. Line up the unsaved side by side and they would circle the earth 30 times , and the

line is growing 20 miles per day

2. There will be 1,000,000 more lost people in the world next Sunday than there are

this Sunday

3. If you could freeze the population , it would take 4000 years to win the lost people

in the world----320 years to win the lost in the U.S.

4. If everyone in the church would win 1 person to the Lord in 1 year we could double

our church attendance

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