Jesus Is Willing, But Are You Willing?
Contributed by Charles Mccall on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus is willing heal, but are you willing to come to him to heal you?
Matthew 8:1-3
Topic: Jesus Christ is willing, but are you willing?
In these passage of scriptures, we read about how Jesus had come down from the mountain after he had finished preaching his famous sermon that is know as the “Sermon on the mount” according to Matthew 5 through 7. As Jesus was coming down from the mountain and as the multitudes were following him down the mountain, the scriptures says, there came a leper, a man who was sick with a deadly skin disease, a man who had been separated from his family and from society because of this contagious skin disease, a man, who wasn’t really suppose to be seen in public because the law of Moses stated that those who had leprosy was suppose to stay in a leper camp until the leprosy goes disappeared from their bodies, a man who was in a desperate situation, a man who seems to be in a helpless condition……but yet despite of his adverse circumstance, this leper, this man came to Jesus. Thank God that this man did not wait until he got better to come to Jesus. If he had waited until he got better, he might would have died and not have the chance to see Jesus. This leper came to Jesus with his sickness and all. He came to Jesus in pain and all. He came to Jesus in desperation and all. You know you have lot of people say that when they get better, when they start living right, that is when they say they will come to church, and get with Jesus. But you will never get right, nor will you get better on your own. You need to come to Jesus so he can make you get right and better because He is the only one who can make you right and better!!!!
The scripture says that this leper came to Jesus worshipping him and said to him, If thou wilt, thou can make me clean. And Jesus having so much compassion on this man he stretched forth his hand and touched him and said, I will, be thou clean. And immediately, the leper was cleansed. Then Jesus tells the man to not to tell anyone about how he was healed, but to go and show himself to the priests and offer the gift that Moses had commanded so he could be a testimony to them.
Now the reason why this leper man was healed of his leprosy was because Jesus was willing to heal this man because the leper said, “If thou wilt, thou can make me clean,” and Jesus said, “I wilt, be thou clean,” and immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
And guess what? Just as Jesus was willing to heal this man from his leprosy, Jesus is willing to heal us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually today. Not only that, Jesus is willing to save us today.
Jesus is willing to forgive us our sins today.
Jesus is willing to deliver us today.
Jesus is willing to lead and guide us today
Jesus is willing to love and care for us to day
Jesus is willing to answer our prayers today.
Jesus is willing to strengthen us, provide for us, anointed us, fill us, and bless us today.
But the question is:
Are you willing to let Jesus heal you?
Are you willing to let Jesus save you?
Are you willing to let Jesus forgive you of your sins?
Are you willing to let Jesus lead and guide you?
Are you willing to let Jesus love and care for you?
Are you willing to let Jesus strengthen, provide, anoint , fill ,and bless you today?
Are you willing to let Jesus to do that and a whole lot more for you today?
Are you willing to call on his name?
Yes, Jesus is willing, but are you willing to let him come into your life today so he can clean up your heart, transform your mind, and make you a new creation because the scripture says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, all things become as new.(II Corinthians 5:17).
Now notice what the leper did for Jesus to heal him of his leprosy. The scripture says “Behold there came a leper”. The first thing that this leprous man had did was he came to Jesus. That is a lesson for us to learn right there. If you want Jesus to be willing to do anything for you, you must learn to come to Him. You must learn to come to him in prayer seeking his face, seeking his guidance, seeking his strength, seeking his healing, seeking his deliverance, seeking his salvation, seeking his guidance, seeking his grace and mercy.
The Lord says in Isaiah 1:18 where he says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be a white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”