
Summary: Jesus is the only way to eternal life, the truth that sets us free, and the life that brings true fulfillment.

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By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 14:6

Supporting Texts: Acts 4:12, Romans 5:8, 1 Timothy 2:5-6


The world is full of paths that promise fulfillment, joy, and salvation, but as Christians, we understand that there is only one way to God — Jesus Christ. He is not just one of many ways; He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Him. Today, we will examine why Jesus is the only way to salvation and the importance of accepting Him as Lord and Saviour.


a) Sin separates us from God

Sin creates a barrier between humanity and God (Isaiah 59:2). Without a bridge to cover this gap, we are lost and hopeless in sin.

b) Jesus came to bridge the gap

Jesus, through His death and resurrection, became the way to restore humanity's relationship with God (John 14:6). He is the only one who paid the price for our sins.

c) No salvation outside of Jesus

Acts 4:12 tells us there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved. No other religious figure offers salvation but Christ.

d) Jesus is our mediator

Jesus stands between humanity and God, reconciling us through His sacrificial death (1 Timothy 2:5-6).

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son

In Luke 15:11-32, the story of the Prodigal Son shows that even after wandering far from God, when we return through Jesus, we are accepted and forgiven.


a) The world is filled with deception

Many ideologies and false doctrines promise salvation, but they are lies. Jesus declared Himself the Truth, and everything outside of Him is false (John 14:6).

b) Jesus reveals the truth about God

Jesus came to reveal God's true nature of love, grace, and justice (John 1:18). In Him, we see God.

c) Truth brings freedom

John 8:32 says, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." True freedom is found in knowing Jesus.

d) Rejecting the truth leads to destruction

Those who refuse the truth of Jesus ultimately face eternal separation from God.

Biblical Example: The Rich Young Ruler

In Matthew 19:16-22, the Rich Young Ruler sought eternal life but rejected the truth of Jesus, choosing worldly riches instead.


a) Spiritual death without Jesus

All have sinned and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). Without Jesus, we are spiritually dead.

b) Jesus offers eternal life

Through His death and resurrection, Jesus offers eternal life to those who believe (John 11:25).

c) Abundant life in Christ

John 10:10 reveals that Jesus came not just to give life but to give it more abundantly. He transforms our lives.

d) Life beyond the grave

For believers, death is not the end. Jesus conquered death and gave us hope of eternal life with Him.

Biblical Example: Lazarus

In John 11:1-44, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, demonstrating His power over life and death.


a) We are not promised tomorrow

Life is uncertain, and we do not know what tomorrow holds (James 4:14). We must seize the opportunity to accept Jesus today.

b) Jesus stands at the door and knocks

Revelation 3:20 tells us that Jesus is constantly inviting us into a relationship with Him, but we must respond.

c) Rejecting Jesus is rejecting life

To refuse Jesus is to refuse the only source of salvation and eternal life (John 3:36).

d) The time of salvation is now

2 Corinthians 6:2 urges us not to delay but to accept the offer of salvation today.

Biblical Example: The Thief on the Cross

In Luke 23:39-43, one thief chose to accept Jesus, and he was granted eternal life at the last moment.


a) Salvation is in His name

Acts 4:12 declares that there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.

b) His name brings healing and deliverance

In Mark 16:17-18, believers are given authority in Jesus' name to cast out demons and heal the sick.

c) His name gives us access to God

Through the name of Jesus, we approach the throne of grace boldly (Hebrews 4:16).

d) Every knee shall bow at His name

Philippians 2:10-11 tells us that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

Biblical Example: Peter and John at the Gate Beautiful

In Acts 3:1-10, Peter and John healed a lame man in the name of Jesus, demonstrating the power of that name.


Jesus is the only way to eternal life, the truth that sets us free, and the life that brings true fulfillment. If you have not yet accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, now is the time. He stands ready to receive you, to forgive your sins, and to give you abundant life.

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