Jesus Is The Reason For The Season! Ii
Contributed by Glen Lawhun on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Even today at this Christmas season people are still trying to kill Jesus with their words. They want Him removed from the schools. They want Him removed from the court houses. They want Him removed from the parades. They want Him removed from the news pa
Jesus is the reason for the season II.
John 3:16
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (KJV)
Last Sunday we discussed how Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, existed before the beginning of time. How He created the earth and the heavens to His own special pleasure. We discussed how Jesus worked through the ages with man and God to bring a relationship between the two, tearing down the wall that existed and how we can if we choose to, be reconciled to God. Jesus is the reason for the season!
Jesus moved through world history from the beginning of time displaying His love and grace to all mankind. His providence at times was physically shown and other times were spiritually shown. He was patient and long suffering as He moved toward the time, chosen by the Father, to make His miraculous and prophetic appearance into the world. The decision for Him to come into the world was made in Heaven. Angelic servants were prepared before hand. Preparations for the only begotten Son of God to adorn the earth with His love and grace were perfect and complete. The holy events were God ordained. We read in Ga 4:4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. (NKJV) (Jesus is the reason for the season!)
There are several things we need to look at to understand the Heavenly, earthly, historical event of the coming of the Son of the Most High.
1. The conception
a. The declaration by Gabriel (Luke 1)
b. Mary found with child before her and Joseph came together (Matt. 1)
c. Joseph’s dream from the angel (Matt. 1)
d. The proclamation (Matt. 1:23 and Isa. 7:14) (Jesus is the reason for the season!)
e. The acceptance
2. The birth
a. Jesus was born in a manger not in a house. You can glorify any house with words but you can not glorify a manger. This was to prove that Jesus was born of the poor.
b. The announcing of the birth of Jesus to the shepherds by angels. The angels did not announce the birth of Jesus to the king but to shepherds. Jesus came to the ordinary people.
c. After the shepherds had seen the baby Jesus the shepherds told every one they saw of the angels and the baby. They glorified and praised God for the event. We should too! Jesus is the reason for the season!
d. The wise men – about two years later the wise men came seeking the young child following a star. These wise men or magi were rich men for they brought treasures. No doubt the rich also can follow Jesus is they choose to do so. Jesus is the reason for the season!
e. Herod sent to Bethlehem and all the districts all around Bethlehem and put to death all the male children under two years old to death trying to kill Jesus. Later in life Jesus would preach, Mt 10:34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” (NKJV) In Mt 10:34 Jesus was talking about relationships in families being destroyed because of religious believes. But the saying can easily be applied to the killing of male children in Bethlehem for this event was prophesied in Jer. 31:15.
Even today at this Christmas season people are still trying to kill Jesus with their words. They want Him removed from the schools. They want Him removed from the court houses. They want Him removed from the parades. They want Him removed from the news papers. They want Him removed from the TVs. They want Him removed from the earth. But no matter what they want Jesus is the reason for the season!!!
What do you want to do with Jesus? Is He the reason for the season in your life. When you decorate the Christmas tree or wrap all the packages, is it done in the name of Jesus? When you shop until you drop and spend down to your last dollar, is it done in the name of Jesus? When you gather around the Christmas dinner table, do you give thanks for all your blessing in the name of Jesus? If He is not the reason for the season in your life there is room for repentances. If you are not a Christian, Jesus is not the reason for the season in your heart. Why not come believing and repenting and allow yourself to be immersed into Christ this very day and then Jesus can be the reason for the season!