
Summary: Have you noticed that some words when spoken are spirit lifting? Repeat after me: Hallelujah Rejoice Jubilee How about this: Salvation

Today we are going to look at scripture that tells us about rest, freedom, healing, sight and favor.

But first:

• Did you learn something new in God’s word this past week?

• Did you see familiar scripture with new eyes? I know I did!

• It is my prayer every week that something happens while you are in Gods House, that causes you to leave here and crack open your bible because you hunger and thirst for more!


In this Christmas season, I would like us to consider how the Miracle of the Birth, began the fulfillment of the resurrection.

Hopefully, this passages today will help us to see the fulfillment of prophesy.

-Let’s go to the Lord-

Key verses:

Luke 4:14-30 If you want to turn there

Also: Isaiah 61:1-2

Leviticus 25:8-10

Todays’ message is titled “Jesus is the Jubilee”

So, to set up this passage in Luke chapter 4,

Matthew 3:16 Jesus filled with The Holy Spirit

Luke 4:1-13 Holy Spirit led Jesus to wilderness

o Devil tempts Jesus

o Jesus returns to Galilee filled with The Holy


o News spread in the region about Jesus

Luke 4:16 “stand with me as we read Gods word together”

v.16 NKJV “and as His custom was He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read”.

“as His custom was”

NLT “as usual”

I love the intentionality of God’s Word.

• Jesus was in the habit of going to church y’all!

• As Pastor Jeff says “if I stepped on your toes, it was because I was aiming for your heart”

• Jesus was living proof of the importance of going to church.

Remember way back in the 90’s the bracelets and t-shirts “what would Jesus do”?

• So, if you wake up Sunday morning and ask “what would Jesus do”?

• Go on get dressed, cause you’re going to church!

• Lisa 10 years

v.16b “and He stood up to read”.

• Some of you may remember several months ago I explained why we stand when reading Gods’ word and we read Nehemiah 8:5 “and Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above all people, and when he opened it, all the people stood up”.

They were honoring and blessing God. If you have never read it, do yourself a favor, and read Nehemiah.

You’ll be blessed.

Luke 4:18-19 read again

• This is from Isaiah 61:1-2 (read from my bible)

• Now let’s look at v20 again (read from my bible)

Here’s a challenge for you church. Dig into v20 and see if you can discern the significance of what happened there.

• v.21 “and He began to say to them “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”

• v.23-27 He knows what they are thinking so He explains it to them.

• So essentially, His sermon was 5 verses!

• Some churches would be high-fiving, let’s go eat, but no; they become filled with wrath, and chase Him out of the synagogue to the edge of a hill, to drop Him off the edge, but he slips through their grasp.

• v.22 read from my bible

• They go from being amazed in v22, to being enraged in v28

• It made me think of the chants of “hosanna” on Sunday to the cry of “crucify Him” on Friday.

• v.18 Jesus tells them He is the Anointed One (The Messiah)

• To preach the gospel to the poor.

• To heal the broken hearted. The KJV of Isaiah 61:1 says “to bind up the broken hearted”. I didn’t understand that, so I went to the Hebrew of “bind up”

And essentially it means to “wrap up a wound so healing can begin to take place”.

• Proclaim liberty to the captives.

• Sight to the blind.

• Set free those who are oppressed.

• Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

All these things are what everyone should desire, right?

But they weren’t ready to receive these gifts of grace.

Instead, they perceived His words as blasphemous.

I’d like us to look at little closer at v19:

“To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord”

This is a direct reference to Leviticus 25:8-10

Read from my bible.

• To my research, this is the first mention of Jubilee in the bible. As y’all may have surmised by now, I am fascinated with “first mentions” in the bible.

o Debt forgiveness

o Freedom from slavery

o Getting your land back

o Restoration of the soil

• When you read chapter 25, or all of Leviticus for that matter, there is so much detail. Leviticus is testimony to me that the bible is Gods word. There is so much detail. Our finite minds cannot create such detail!

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