
Summary: He is calling you today, will you answer His call?

Mark 1:16-20-And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.

Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

When He had gone a little farther from there, He saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending their nets.

And immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after Him.

I can almost see it now, Jesus walking on the seashore.

You can hear the waves crashing on to the beach, and on to the side of the ships that were there.

You could feel the mist of the sea water as it hit you face.

You could hear the birds in the air.

Who would have known that for these four men, their life was going to change for forever!

It not have felt different than any other day, and yet here stands Jesus before them!

I want you to notice something about the first two that Jesus sees.

They Were Casting Their Nets

Jesus needs fishers of men like this!

Those ones who are willing to get out fish! Those willing to share the gospel!

Those willing to share their testimony! Those willing to go anywhere to share their faith!

Those willing to hand out tracts! Those willing to go to a foreign land to tell about Jesus!

Those willing to cast out their nets, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year!

Willing to cast out their nets, whether they are successful or not!

Willing to share the gospel, whether it is accepted or rejected!

Willing to fish in deep waters or shallow waters!

But most all, willing to go were the fish are, not waiting for the fish to come to them!!

The next two fisher men that Jesus sees.

Were In The Boat Mending Their Nets

The reason you mend nets, is to keep what you caught in the net!

Jesus needs fisher men willing to do that!

God needs people who will mend!

To make sure those ones who have been saved, will stay in church, will stay in fellowship with other believers.

These fishers of men may have to mend relationships, or help mend broken hearts, mend hurtful words or mend hurt feelings.

God uses us individually, He uses our strengths and our weakness!

We don’t all have the same gifts, or the same talents!

Microwave, refrigerator, toaster, they are all plug into the wall sockets.

They draw power from the same source but they do different things!

Follow Me, And I Will Make You Become Fishers Of Men

Jesus says, “Follow Me!” Your not just following a set of rules! Your not just following a set of teachings! Not just following a set of principles!

You are following a person! And that person is…Jesus Christ!!

The problem is people start following something else (Laws, Traditions) or someone else (Preacher, Spouse, Parent).

And as good as those things maybe, they are nothing compared to Jesus

Jesus takes all the responsibility, He will make us become fishers of men, He teach us what we need to learn to become fishers of men.

Jesus will give us everything we need to fulfill the calling on our life!

Whatever He is called you to do, He will help you achieve it!

Three Simple Ways Of Becoming A Fisher Of Men

1-They Followed Him

2-They Listened To Him

3-They Did What He Said

He Called Them, And They Left Their Father Zebedee In The Boat With The Hired Servants, And Went After Him.

These 4 guys left their family, their home, their job, to follow Jesus!

I don’t know what Jesus is asking you to leave?

I don’t know what He is asking you to give up?

I don’t know what He is calling you to do?

But I do know this, there isn’t none of us doing all we can for Him!

God has called all of us to do something, we all have a purpose, there are no insignificant people in His plan or purpose!

We all have a job to do in the Kingdom of God!

I also know that what we give up, whatever we sacrifice, whatever we surrender…That He is worth it!!

Somewhere along the line, Jesus took Peter from being a fishermen, to being a fisher of men, to being a shepherd. (“Feed My lambs.” “Tend My sheep.” “Feed My sheep.”) John 21

Now what will God do with your life?

How will He change your path?

What will you allow Him to do in your life?

He is calling you today, will you answer His call?

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