
Summary: Indroduction (1) The prophet Isaiah prophesied under the administration of 4 Kings, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.


(1) The prophet Isaiah prophesied under the administration of 4 Kings,

Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.

He was called to prophesy in the year that King Uzziah died.

Isaiah declared in the 6th Chapter of Isaiah that he was a man of unclean

lips and God sent Cherbins and touched his lips with hot coals and purged

him. Isaiah answered the call of God and said "Here am I Lord send me"

(2)Isaiah wrote Christ's biography before Christ he was born

Isaiah 7:14

Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a child. His name shall be called

Emmanuel.(God with us)

Isaiah 53:5

He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities

(3)In Prophesecy

In Isaiah 9:6

unto us a child is born and a son is given and his name shall be called

wonderful, counsellor, mighty God, prince of peace.

He was Isaiah's Lamb brought to the slaughter

Daniel's Rolling Stone

Solomon's Rose of Sharon

Zechariah's Fountain

Malachi's Refiner

John's Lamb of God

(4)He was Wonderful in Conception

So wonderful that Mary could not understand it, she said "How can these

things be."

With God all things are possible.

(5) He was wonderfull at Birth

At his birth Wise men followed a strange Star.

King herod was startled.

Shepherds saw an angel that told of the birth of a little baby boy wrapped

in Swaddling Clothes.

An Angelic host was praising God and singing, Glory to God in the Highest

and peace on Earth and Goodwill toward Men.

(6)HE was Wonderful in the Constitution of his Person

Son of God and Son of Man,

Human and Divine,

Eternity united to time.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the word

John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

(7)He was Wonderful in his Baptism

he came straightway out of the water, and Heaven opened up and the Spirit

descending like a Dove and lighting upon him and a voice from heaven

saying "This ia my Beloved Son in whom I am well Pleased".

(8) He was Wonderful in His teaching

At the age of twelve he sat with the scholars, asking and answering

questions. He declared to his mother that "He must be about his Father's

Business. And all that heard him speak said "they never heard a man spake

like this man before".

He had the Fountain of Wisdom in him.

(9) He was Wonderful in his Miracles

Cured all manner of diseases.

Stlled the raging Seas. Matt. 8:23-27

Raised the Dead, John 11

(10)He was Wondeful in his Death

He was choosen to die in the place of Barrabas.

A thieve was converted and promised eternal Life on the Cross next to


There was midnight at midday, Rocks were rent, Graves were opened, the

earth shook, the Veil in the Temple was torn in half. A Centurion

confessed "Truly this was the Son of God."

(11) He was Wonderful in His Resurection

Guards fell as dead Men

Angel came and rolled the stone away.

He rose and declared to the World that "All power had been given unto me".

(12) He was Wonderful in His Ascension

He directs his disciples to "Go ye therefore and teach all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Ghost. Matthew 28:19

And when he spoke these things, he was taken up and a Cloud received him

out of their sight. For the same way you see him going, he is coming back

the same way. Acts 1:9-11

The Religion of his Name is Wonderful

It will make you laugh and cry

It will be like fire shut up in your bones.

Try Jesus for He is Wonderful.

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