Jesus Heals The Paralytic Series
Contributed by John Hamby on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Seventh in a series on the miracles of Christ.
Sermon # 7
Jesus Heals the Paralytic
(Matt 9:2-7, Mark 2:3-12, Lk. 5:18-26)
Matthew 9:2-7
”Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you." (3) And at once some of the scribes said within themselves, "This Man blasphemes!"’ (4) But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts? (5) For which is easier, to say, "Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, "Arise and walk’? (6) But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins"--then He said to the paralytic, "Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." (7) And he arose and departed to his house.”
Mark 2: 3-12
”Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. (4) And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. (5) When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you." (6) And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, (7)"Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (8) But immediately, when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they reasoned thus within themselves, He said to them, "Why do you reason about these things in your hearts? (9) Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, "Arise, take up your bed and walk’? (10) But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins"--He said to the paralytic, (11) "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." (12) Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, "We never saw anything like this!"
Luke 5: 18-26
”Then behold, men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in and lay before Him. (19) And when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus. ‘ (20) When He saw their faith, He said to him, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." (21) And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, "Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (22) But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, "Why are you reasoning in your hearts? (23) Which is easier, to say, "Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, "Rise up and walk’? (24) But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins"--He said to the man who was paralyzed, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." (25) Immediately he rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. (26) And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, "We have seen strange things today!
The Background of the Miracle
The news of Jesus’ teaching and his miracles has spread all over Galilee, forcing him to seek remote places to have any time alone. According to Mark and Matthew, he has finally returned to Capernaum, where he has begun his ministry. Here, he took up residence in a house and soon attracted crowds of people who were eager to hear him speak. Among these who came to hear speak, according to Luke, were “Pharisees and teachers of the Law, who had come from every village in Galilee, from Judea and from Jerusalem.” Here was a delegation made up of Pharisees and teachers of the law sent to examine him. Ironically the Pharisees had come to judge Jesus by their standards, unaware that it would be their standards might be judged by Jesus’ teachings.
As Jesus began to preach and teach to the assembled crowd, four men arrived at the house carrying a paralyzed companion. They found that there were so many people inside and outside the house that they could not break through to see Jesus. Now they must come up with some way to get there friend to Jesus. Seeing their way barred by the crowds, they took the only option open to them, namely the roof. So undaunted, they climbed up onto the roof and began to strip it away.