
Summary: God had prepared that moment Before the beginning of the world for them to walk right into and be successful.. Even when God gives you a word you still have to step out in faith To claim and receive the promise.. Faith is a's an action word Amen?

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Jesus Has The Table Spread…"Come And Dine"

Psalms 23: 5-6 KJ

5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies...

No matter how it may look in the natural, God is continually looking for ways to bless His Children...

David was acknowledging the amazing fact...that nothing is to hard for God...

Psalms 68:19 NKJ

Blessed be the Lord,

Who daily loads us with benefits,

The God of our salvation! Selah

He can Bless you anywhere, anytime He feels like...and what makes His Blessings even sweeter, is when He does them

When it seems like there is no way in the natural...that we can see it happening

Then out of the blue...He does and you realize never in a 100 yrs could you have ever made it happen...but it happened

And it's even sweeter than you could have imagined...when you realize you had absolutely nothing to do with it! Amen?

Text Illustration: A little girl’s Prayer:

A little girl was being punished by eating alone in the corner of the dining room. The family paid no attention to her until they heard her pray: “I thank Thee, Lord, for preparing a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.”

Think about Adam and Eve in the garden...They walked right in to the most

Lavish garden that was, has, or has ever been created

Did they do anything to deserve what they received?

Everything that was there he had already created before they were even there to enjoy.

It was a complete utopia...There was nothing there that God did not include that Adam or Eve would ever want for

TBS, “He took Adam, after He breathed life into him and put him in the garden.”

Notice that Adam came into a prepared blessing, something that God had already finished for him.

In the same way, God has prepared blessings in store for you. He is working behind the scenes, arranging things in your favor, getting it all perfectly in place.

In the natural we don't see the transformation taking place...and you know what

We don't have to...all we have to do is step into it when God gets done

With the preparation of it... Amen?

You couldn’t make it happen on your own...even if you tried

It’s just the goodness of God bringing you into a prepared blessing!

Adam and Eve walked into perfection… The blessing was absolutely perfect that God had created for them. And we know the rest of the story...

when the accuser came into the story and tempted them and they took their focus off of God and put it on themselves and their circumstances and shall we say the rest is history.

Sin...entered the world and has been a plague on society from that moment on.

It's evident from the very beginning, that God wanted us to and continues to want us to have His very best…He never does anything second rate..

however he wants us to keep our focus on him and not the things and circumstances that surround us.

Proverbs 4:25-26 KJ

25. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

26? Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

MSG says it this way

23-27 Keep your eyes straight ahead;

ignore all sideshow distractions.

Watch your step,and the road will stretch out smooth before you.

David gave us some great advice in verse five of Psalm 23… Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.

David uses a pretty broad brush here...about the ability of God, by using the phrase in the presence of mine enemies…

Which pretty much encompasses the accuser and everything to do with him in and around your life, that will ever give you trouble…your whole life long.

Now some might say that's quite a stretch...but to them I would say is anything too hard for God? NO!!!!

Is there anything in this life that we live, that is too hard or out of the capability of God's amazing ability to take care of or to watch over for us? NO!!!

Jesus said in Matthew chapter 19 that with man things were impossible… But with God all things are possible! Amen?

Jeremiah said… Lord you have made the earth and a heavens, nothing is too difficult for the Thee!

Somebody Ought to be praising the Lord this morning...because we serve not just "a" God of all possibilities… But "thee" God of all possibilities!

And the Bible is full of examples...that show what is possible when you keep your focus and your mind on the things of God...

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Bruce Ball

commented on Mar 16, 2015

Pastor Roberts, a wonderful message of God's love for His children. Not only was I blessed to read your sermon, I plan on using it as a base for a similar sermon for the church I serve in. THANK YOU!

Charlie Roberts

commented on Mar 17, 2015

Bruce..thanks so much for the encouragement, feel free to use whatever you can.. God Bless!

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