Jesus Cares
Contributed by Van Williams on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a powerful and true statement. Knowing that all that is going on around us, in our home, in our churches, in our community, city, state and all over the world, Jesus still cares. That brings me great consolation, when family don’t care,
Luke 7: 11-17
This is a powerful and true statement. Knowing that all that is going on around us, in our home, in our churches, in our community, city, state and all over the world, Jesus still cares. That brings me great consolation, when family don’t care, Jesus cares.
Is there anybody in here today, knows that Jesus still cares? When you look at what all you been through, you look at where you been, you look at how people had treated you and how people is treating you right now. When you think about the mean and evil words people has said to you, all you got to do is remember, THE LORD CARES.
There are three moments of resurrection that Jesus is apart of. There were this dead girl, daughter of Jarius, Jesus tell people to get out of the room and He takes soldiers in the room with Him, and He speaks a word to this young girl and tell this young to get up and the tells us that this young girl gets up the slumber of death.
Listen, isn’t it strange how Jesus have to move some people out the way because they are blessing blockers? Some people need to get out of the room so the Lord can have His way.
Then there were a story of a man that was in a tomb for four days. Jesus get to the tomb, the sisters Mary and Martha said to Jesus, if you had of been here, our brother wouldn’t have died. But anytime Jesus shows up, He always on time. They was worry, because they said if Jesus would have been here four days ago, our brother would’ve still been alive.
I know sometime it seems as if the Lord has forgotten about us, sometimes it seem as if Jesus has left us out to dry. But the bible tells us, that He will never leave us or forsake us. He may not show up when we want Him to, but how many of you know that when He do show up, He’s on time.
And that is what happen in this text, in verse 11, the bible says, And it came to pass the day after. He went to a city called Nain. You see Jesus just had left the city of Capernaum, healing the centurion servant. And my brothers and sisters, I like this Jesus, because He give us a pattern of life.
He is always working, always busy, and I believe we have to many lazy people in the body of Christ. This is not a laid back journey, this is not a relaxing journey, but this is a journey where you are a worker. Why? Because we a slaves to the Lord
We are servants, we are slaves for the Lord. And we must obey the master. He did not call us to sit on the pews, He did not call us just to show up on Sunday, He did not call us show up every now and then. But He call us to be workers in the body of Christ.
And what I like about the Lord. No matter where we maybe, He don’t mind meeting us. What ever location you in, the Lord will show up…………..
When I found myself in a place where people had forgotten about me. You do know that people will forget about you? But we serve a God that will never forget about you.
In our text, Jesus goes to this city call Nain. And the bibles says that his disciples was going along with Him. His disciples, those who was connected in what He was doing, they was serious about the work of the Lord, they was concern about what they was doing.
But then the bible says there is another crowd, the bible says that his disciple went with Him and much people. Let me stop here to tell you. There will always be some spectators around. They there just to watch and see what’s going on. In the church we have those who want to do something and we have those who want to sit down and watch what going on.
This is a journey that we must do something, we don’t have time looking what people is wearing. But we must get up and do something. WE MUST BE ABOUT OUR FATHER BUSINESS EVERY DAY. But some people come to church just to see who going to do this, who going to do that. When you come in here, don’t let the Deacons and Choir sing by themselves, join in and help them sing.
We ought to pray together, sing together, this is a corporate worship. In my imagination mind. I can hear the people saying where are he going next and what is he going to do next. I discover that when you working you don’t have time to watch other people.