Jesus' Anointing: The Anointing
Contributed by Peter Loughman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is how we are to operate: To please Jesus – whatever others think
Mark 14:1-10
Betrayal – Sensitive Hearts – Indignation. In the Gospel of Mark we find this curious incident of the anointing of Jesus sandwiched in the middle of two sections on those who have a need to get rid of Jesus.
What we see is a great contrast here between those, probably don’t fully understand all about Jesus but lavish love on Jesus anyway. and those who also don’t fully understand Jesus, and so want him removed from life.
Full all out devotion to Jesus, bracketed by distain for Jesus
It hasn’t changed much has it?
So far we have learned about how we are. Very clearly we are not to be end times maniacs. People who are overly concerned with the end times. Yes, saw that bad things can happen to us:family may disown you,; You may be arrested and beaten and betrayed, because we are Christians
We started to see more of who Jesus is: We saw that Jesus is not impressed with what we are impressed with. We can be impressed with religious things, but he is also holy. Jesus is Divine. Awesome Divine
Overwhelming Divine
People out to remove Jesus.
Fruitland High School Atheists – Kick Jesus out of Idaho. They believe no one should mention the name – it is offensive. Question: If they believe Jesus is imaginary – what is the point? My high school – first to remove prayer form graduation in California. Why? A pastor had said – Jesus at a previous graduation. That next year a teacher who gave the address and spoke on things we can’t mention at graduation, “we cannot talk about God, so I won’t be talking about God" He talked about not talking about God. It was great.
Many times if I am asked to pray at a non-church event. Someone will slide up to me, usually right before the prayer and say: You know reverend, you can’t say the name of Jesus in your prayer - You might offend someone…..
Find this curious fact over and over: People want to remove Jesus….but never anyone else. Allah, Buddha, Krishna – no problem. Jesus – we have to do something My response is: thanks for the insight, and then exercise my freedom of speech.
So here we see the chief priests and the teachers of the law doing the same thing. We have to do something about Jesus - he is offensive -
Side Note: Controversy – movie the passion, some say it makes Jewish people look bad. Isn’t everyone Jewish in this story? Doesn’t Jesus ( who is Jewish) and the disciples (who are Jewish) make the Jewish people look pretty good?
The movie
1. Historically accurate.
2. Without a doubt what the Gospels say
3. Not a lot of Norwegians around
4. Hebrews, Romans, Greeks
5. Everyone is Jewish – especially Jesus
Some might say: this was written this way to get back at the Jews. Majority of NT church was Jewish Actually: because of things like this (we’ll look at another today) it actually reinforces accuracy of bible. An edited text would clean up things like this.
Let’s look at the concern of the chief priests and the teachers of the law. Passover was 14-15 April or May. Feast of Unleavened Bread 15-21.
When all this is happening it is thought of as the week of Passover.
Leaders felt concern – and rightly so. Recalling mighty acts of God salvation in history might inspire thoughts of revolt. Their actions reflect a history of Passover disturbances, usually a riot with many deaths. They do not want to anger the Romans. If they do they will be pushed out.This will disrupt the Pox Romana (roman peace) -Pride of the Romans.
The leaders have built up to their decision to get rid of Jesus. It is not a whim. They plot his destruction in when he tells about destruction of temple 11:8. They demand to know by what authority 11:27. And here in verse 1-2 they start to take action. Next: They will participate in Jesus; arrest v 43; they will be present at hearing with high priest 53;
They will mock Jesus on cross 15:31. They want to take Jesus by surprise - stealth. Their intention: sneak up and take him. But how?
This shows Jesus was more than a nuisance, he was a threat, they thought to their worldly power was threatend. Reality, He was a threat spiritually. These men were unwittingly being used – by spiritual forces.
We find this today with the Kick Jesus out of Idaho people - Jesus not just a nuisance, but a threat....Spiritually – though they would never acknowledge this. This is why it should never be a surprise to us, thier extreme reaction - Jesus causes this kind of reaction. Don’t worry – Jesus will prevail. Tell kids they can’t pray in school – what do they do?