
Summary: How can we get closer to Jesus? By sitting next to Him, and by listening to His voice, and by walking with Him. Listen!

This weekend is the Superbowl of Golf . . "The Masters" with the best of the best competing, and Justin Rose has the lowest of his career in the first round with 7 Birdies! My wife was amazed at all of the walking they did and so I got my calculator going, over 4 miles a round and more than 20 miles in the Masters! Well, we could see how our Master walked on this earth, couldn't we?

No one probably never walked as much as our pro golfers walked as Jesus! But His walking had meaning for the world. Walking was his mode of traveling to do His mission -- He walked on mountains to pray, He walked in the water to be baptized, and on the water to be a friend, He walked the countryside to teach and preach. He walked a tomb to raise Lazurus, He walked the road to Emmaus, to answer questions of His disciples.

He walked to heal the lame and the lepers outside of the towns. He walked in the desert for 40 days. he walked in the temples and cleanesed them. Wherever He walked, the people saw his love for them. He walked in gardens and was betrayed by Judas. The disciples walked with Jesus as He asked them to follow Him, but one place they did not walk --- to the cross as He was crucified.

In the Old Testament, God was walking from the beginning of time. He was "walking in the garden in the cool of the day.". Enoch walked with God, and then was taken above. Noah walked with God. and saved him in a boat. Abraham was His friend as He walked with God. Moses, his whole life was walking with God. David said, "Yea, tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil." In the fiery furnace, God is walking in with the 3 men. Why is God walking . . . because He is God who wants to live and have fellowship with them.

Peter said For this we have been called to suffer, Christ leaving us an example so that we might walk or follow Him in His steps." (1 Peter 2:21) Big steps to follow! Paul said, "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in Him." (Col.2:6) As Christians, 'we are to walk our talk!' God told the Israelite nation, " I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people." (Lev. 26:12) That has never changed as that is what our God is to us.

James 4:8 says, "Come near to God and He will draw near to you." That's His promise as we are walking with God and Jesus. I just heard the hymn, "I come to the garden alone... alone... and He walks with me and He talks to me and tells me I am His own... WAlking with God alone can sometimes be tough, But there is strength in walking.

A doctor tells us walking is good for your health .. . good for heart, it gives you energy, good for your legs, bums and tums. Walking helps you lose weight and prevents dementia, and most of all, it makes you feel happy! Spiritually, walking strengthens your heart, strengthens your faith in Jesus. . . walking with Jesus gives you the promise of eternal life and joy in your life.

May our prayer and song be the words of Washington Gladden in 1879, "O Master let me walk with thee in lowly paths of service free." His heart was wanting to walk closer to Jesus.

Conclusion: Our prayer as we are walking with Jesus "I am weak, but thou art strong... Jesus keep me from all wrong . . I'll be satisfied as long. . AS I walk let me walk close to Thee. Just a closer walk with Thee. . . Grant it Jesus, is my plea. . . Daily walking close to Thee. Let it be dear Lord, let it be" Amen and Amen.

Presented By Larry L. Vollink, Retired Chaplain/Pastor; Cedar Springs, MI (616) 655-4129.

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