Jesus And His Accusers
Contributed by Mike Honzell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How to face unjust accusations
Matthew 27: 11-14
A. After Jesus’ illegal trial before the Sanhedrin,
He was carried before the Roman governor, Pilate
v. 1-2
1. He was carried before Pilate because the Jews
were demanding the death penalty
a. After Rome conquered Israel, they ruled
that all death sentences would be approved
by the Roman authorities
b. This was just another reminder that Israel
was not an independent nation
2. God also had a design in bring Jesus before
the Roman governor
a. By being condemned by the Roman governor,
both Jew and Gentile would have a hand in
Jesus’ death
b. Jesus would be condemned by both Jew and
Gentile and He would be the Savior of both
Jew and Gentile
B. As Jesus was brought before Pilate, the Jewish
elders began to accuse Him
1. The word accuse means to charge with an
offense of wrong doing
2. Notice the irony: sinful creatures charging
the sinless Savior of wrong doing
A. Revelation 12:10 says that Satan is the accuser
of the brethren
1. Satan loves to come before the throne of
grace to lay a charge of wrong doing against
2. The charges he levels against us are true
a. God, being omniscient, can not be fooled
by a lie-- He knows the truth about all
b. The devil doesn’t have to lie about us to
bring a charge against us
c. The devil tempts us to sin and break God’s
d. Then, he reports that to God and demands
that God carry out the sentence of the law
for that crime
e. Because we sin often, the devil has plenty
to charge us with
3. The purpose of Satan’s accusations
a. Satan brings an accusation against us when
we sin in an effort to hurt God
b. Sin in the life of a believer grieves God
c. Satan accuses believers in an effort to
hurt the believer
d. Satan would love for the believer to lose
his salvation but thanks to Jesus’
intercessory work, we are secure
e. By accusing the believer and demanding
justice for the sin committed, Satan hopes
to see us endure God’s chastening
f. Because Satan hates God and God’s
children, he hopes to hurt both by his
4. Even though we may not see it, we are
constantly being accused and charged with
wrong doing by the devil
B. Humans can become the tool of the devil and be
used to accuse others
1. The elders were never more like Satan than
when they stood to accuse Jesus
2. The difference between rebuking one and
accusing one
3. A rebuke is to be administered for the
purpose of helping a person to see his wrong,
repent of that wrong, and then come back to
a. A rebuker is to consider himself as he
seeks to restore that person, lest he
also sin-- Galatians 6:1
b. A rebuker is gentle with his rebuke
c. A rebuker’s goal is to get the offender to
see the grace and mercy available to the
one who is wrong
4. An accuser is used by the devil to hurt the
offender v. 23
a. An accuser never examines himself to see
if that same sin is in his life
b. An accuser seeks punishment for the sin,
not grace and reconciliation
c. An accuser will use the faults of others
and point them out in an effort to elevate
self-- I’m better than you
d. An accuser is often harsh and arrogant
5. Much harm has been done to the cause of
Christ by church people who accuse,
criticize and judge rather than rebuke with
the goal of restoring one to Christ
A. How we are to react when accused with the truth
1. If someone comes to us with a truthful
charge, even if they have the wrong attitude,
we should confess guilt and seek their
a. Don’t get defensive-- it will only make
matters worse
b. By confessing wrong and seeking
forgiveness, God can use the accuser to
accomplish good
2. If the accuser then refuses to accept the
apology and continues to use the offense to
try to hurt us:
a. Then pray for him-- Father, forgive them
b. Leave vengeance in the hands of God-- if
we hadn’t sinned in the first place, the
critic wouldn’t have an issue
c. Live by Proverbs 24: 17-18
3. Above all, when accused truthfully, learn
from the sin and don’t repeat it-- Jesus told
the woman caught in adultery, go and sin no
B. How are we to react when falsely accused?
1. When falsely accused, continue to do what is