
Summary: If a shut tomb could not hold Jesus in, a shut church cannot keep him out!

Jesus Among Us

John 20:19 - 31

Intro: If I had written the story of the resurrection of Jesus, I would have done it a little differently. When John returned from the empty tomb he would confront Peter and excitedly say, “Peter, I have some good news and I have some bad news!” Peter would have asked, “So, John, what’s the good news?” John would answer, “The good news is the Christ Jesus has risen from the dead.” Peter would respond, “That’s great! But, what’s the bad news?” John, looking around rather cautiously would say, “I believe that Jesus is really steamed with you about last Friday!”

I Believing is an essential theme throughout John’s gospel culminating in VS. 29 “Blessed are those who have NOT seen and yet have believed.”

A 2,000 years of history and scientific progress stand between the resurrection and today’s generation of believers and non-believers who have been taught to approach religion with skepticism and grant final authority on questions of truth and belief to “science.”

B The reformation brought to the protestant church the idea of “justification by faith” (sola fide / faith alone) The sinner is not justified BECAUSE he or she believes, but faith is the recognition that GOD provides all we need for justification.

C Until we have nurtured the idea that faith is NOT a series of beliefs; but, a process of getting to know the person of Christ Jesus through the reading of God’s word.

II VS. 19 tells us that it is the evening after the discovery of the empty tomb tell us that the disciples are together behind locked doors, afraid. Afraid of what? Romans. Jews. Maybe Jesus?

A The word disciples (mathetai / µa??ta?) does not apply to the 11 disciples alone. It describes the entire “faith community.”

B Perhaps they were trying to make sense of it all intent on their conversation when suddenly Jesus stands among them and greets them with Shalom Aleckem.

C Imagine how you would feel if you heard the voice of a deceased loved one say, “Howdy y’all!” That’s probably how those gathered in the upper room felt.

III Beginning in VS. 25 – 29 tell the story of Thomas who was not present at the first appearance of Jesus to the disciples.

A VS. 25 is where we get the familiar expression, “DOUBTING THOMAS.” We tend to think of doubt as a negative thing.

B The story is not about the judgment and condemnation of Thomas. Rather, it is about reassuring Thomas in the midst of his doubts to that he can come to faith.

C The verb “SEE” is used in verse 25. In GK as in English, it carries a range of meaning from physical seeing to comprehending. Thomas wants to understand, comprehend what has lead the other disciples to understand.

Concl: I’ve heard it said that doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. Perhaps you are one of those who have doubts. There is only one cure for doubts and that is to have moments with Christ Jesus: Every time you participate in the Lord’s Supper, every time you experience a baptism, every time you read or hear the Word of God, Jesus steps into your life. By loving one another as Jesus loves, the faith community reveals Christ Jesus to the world and enables others to choose to enter into a relationship with the risen Christ. IF A SHUT TOMB COULD NOT HOLD JESUS IN, A SHUT CHURCH CANNOT KEEP HIM OUT!

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