Jesus' Father Is Our Father
Contributed by Timm Meyer on Mar 1, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Since Jesus' Father is our Father. This means God our Father always protects. God our Father always provides.
January 3, 2021 - Christmas 2 - MATTHEW 2:13-23
INTRO.: Our text today reminds about the very special relationship God the Father has with his children. Earthly family relationships can be strained at times. Emotions interfere. Misunderstandings interrupt. This is never the case with our heavenly Father. His love, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness are always perfect. Perfectly loved. Fully forgiven. This is our Fathers divine relationship with his children. “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” (LUKE 11:13). Fathers (and mothers) always want the best for their children. Our heavenly Father knows what is best for us.
JESUS’ FATHER IS OUR FATHER. I. God always protects. II. God always provides.
A. Verse 13. Wise men came to bring Jesus gifts. Left. An angel appears to Joseph. A warning.
1. Joseph was to get up and go to Egypt. Take along the baby Jesus and his mother, Mary.
2. King Herod was worried about this new King. Would seek to put Jesus to death. Flee!
B. Verse 14. Joseph fled with Jesus and Mary during the night. Night travel not normal. Urgency.
1. Verse 15. Jesus’ family stayed in Egypt until Herod died. God protected Jesus’ family.
2. All these events happened as God foretold (Hosea 11:1). “Out of Egypt I called my son.”
C. Verse 16. Herod was furious the wise men did not return to him and report what they found.
1. In furious anger ordered the slaughter of boys under the age of two in the Bethlehem area.
2. The wise men had followed the star for about two years. Jesus now a toddler.
3. Verses 17, 18. This wickedness was known by the Lord. Jeremiah (31:15) foretold.
D. King Herod thought he could derail the plans God the Father had for his Son and King, Jesus. So it is throughout history that wicked worldly rulers think that they are in control. Remember Herod. His anger ruled his decision. Wiped about innocent children. God the Father protected his Son Jesus, his son Joseph, and his daughter Mary. Herod lost. The Lord God of Armies won. This is always the case. Authorities today are no different. They rule with their “wisdom”. All too often they look out only for their own interests. They opposes God’s good and gracious will. But, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Nothing new. "The kings of the earth take a stand, and the rulers join together against the LORD and against his Anointed One” (PSALM 2:2). God scoffs at them.
E. Do not allow the devil to make you doubt that our heavenly Father does not always protect us. Do not let wicked, worldly authorities make you fear them. Do not permit your own human nature to forget the power of our heavenly Father to save us from harm. Always. Our loving, heavenly Father delivers us from danger time and time again. His protection for us goes far beyond anything earthly. “We know that anyone who has been born of God does not go on sinning. But the one who was born of God protects him, and the Evil One cannot take hold of him" (1 JOHN 5:18). By God’s Word we are born of God. We can turn away from sinning. Satan cannot conquer. Christ defeated him for us.
F. Jesus’ Father IS our Father. What a comfort for us! Our strength. Our joy. The early disciples faced persecution. The Apostle Paul was almost stoned to death. Almost drowned. Imprisoned. Yet he knew how the Lord protected him. “The Lord will rescue me from every evil work and will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." (2 TIMOTHY 4:18). Our Father protects us. True – we may face troubles. Our Father protects from eternal harm and danger. Jesus’ Father who is our Father will finally bring us safely into his heavenly kingdom.
JESUS’ FATHER IS OUR FATHER. Our heavenly Father protects all his children.
A. All of this fleeing for one’s life and return to Israel part of God’s protection for his children.
1. The Lord God of Armies frustrated the murderous plans of Herod. Father protected.
2. Verse 19. Now the Father provides. Angel in a dream appears to Joseph.
B. Verse 20. “Get up, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel.”
1. Same words used in verse 13. Go to Egypt. Now return to Israel.
2. Verse 21. Joseph listens. Obeys. Returns to Israel along with Jesus and Mary.