Jerusalem- Signs Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 10, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 36th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".
Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#36]
Matthew 23:37
We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.
Matthew 23:37
The way things are going right now, many are wondering if this is the end time. In our text, Jesus answers some of our questions concerning the end.
Mark 13:1-2
What seems mighty to us can be destroyed in just a matter of seconds. The Disciples were admiring the Temple and Jesus said it would be destroyed piece by piece. In 70 A.D. that happened. The Romans burned Jerusalem and the Temple was destroyed. In order to get the gold out of the rubble, each stone from the Temple was taken and thrown into the refiner’s fire so that they could reclaim the gold.
Mark 13:3-8
The Disciples wanted to know how to know when the end was here. Jesus began to explain this to them and to us.
1. The starting signal.
These first 3 signs that Jesus gives us are just signals that things are beginning. I see this like the beep, starter’s pistol, etc… that lets us know that the race has began.
The starting signals are…
* Many will come claiming that they are the Messiah.
* There will be wars and rumors of wars.
* There will be earthquakes and famines.
We could spend a lot of time this morning talking about all of the different people through time that have claimed to be the Messiah. There are obviously wars and rumors of wars going on all of the time. We have also seen and heard of many earthquakes and we are told that 33% of the world is starving. It is safe to say that things have began.
Mark 13:9-27
2. The end is approaching signal.
Jesus begins to give them signs that the end is becoming closer and closer. Some of these things have happened already, but some of them are yet to come.
There will be…
* Persecution.
There will be…
* The Anti-Christ proclaiming to be the Messiah.
At the midpoint of the Tribulation, the Anti-Christ will claim to be the Messiah. The Anti-Christ will be killed, but will be resurrected through the power of Satan. At this point, many will be fooled. We are also told that as bad as the first 3 ½ years of tribulation will be that the last 3 ½ years will be unbearable. It would be better to be dead than to have to go through that.
Not only will the Anti-Christ be deceiving, but there will be many others who are promoting him. They will be so convincing that even the Christians are almost fooled.
There will be…
* Jesus coming back.
Here we see Jesus gathering all of those Christians on earth and in Heaven together. This happens at a time when the earth has been utterly destroyed.
Mark 13:28-31
Jesus tells them that these signs will indicate that the season of His return is at hand. Although we won’t know the exact time, we can have an idea of the time based on the signs.
Now I want you to know that I have given a quick summary this morning on purpose, because I’m not here to show you the areas that appear to show a pre-tribulation rapture or a mid-tribulation rapture, etc… I promise you that I could argue all of the different points and support each argument from this text. I don’t need you to get caught up in that stuff. What Jesus is showing us here is something more important- Jesus is promising us that He is coming back and He is leaving us with instructions until He returns.
Mark 13:32-37
3. The instructions concerning the signals.
Here is the important part of the text. Jesus is instructing us on how to be ready because not even Jesus knows when He is coming back.
* Stay alert and pay attention.
* Keep working for the Master.
* Watch.
Jesus is coming again. Jesus is giving us total victory. Are you ready?