
Summary: A lifestyle of worship always results in relationship, repentance, rulership, and renewal.

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Part 3: How iWorship

Icebreaker: Quick. What comes to mind when you hear the word, “Worship?” Probably “music,” right? But you know, music is just one method we’re supposed to use to worship God. But since last week we focused so extensively on music, I want to share some pretty eye-opening perspectives on it.

-During an interview with George Beverly Shea while the singer was 98-years-old, Ernie Couch learned about one of Shea’s earliest musical memories. When Billy Graham’s esteemed vocalist was about four-years-old, two visiting evangelists stayed in their home. The two musicians were very excited about a new song they wanted to teach the Sheas. That "new" song was "The Old Rugged Cross," which was published in 1913. Sometimes it’s helpful to remember that our old hymns were once contemporary songs.

Mature Living, March 2009, p.14

-(Read introduction from “His Praise Anew.”)

Intro: Music is just one method we use to worship God. We worship God through praying. We worship God through sharing our testimonies. We worship God through serving others. We even worship God through tithing. But you know, other than tithing, the number one method of worship that people get all huffed up about and the method that the enemy uses to cause the most division among friends is music. Different types of people have different types of ways they think music ought to be done. But again, the problem is deeper than just the music. The problem, as always, is with us, the people. Did you know there are 3 types of people in the average church service?

The 3 Types of People in the Average Church Service

1. Chilled – The service is a cold a sterile ritual. Goes through the motions.

-There are people in every service who are “chilled.” That is, they come to church, but nothing every really happens for them. The church service is just a cold, sterile ritual and they only went through the motions while they were there. There are many of you here this morning who, at some point in your life, where in this category. You went into a church service and it was just ritual. You just went in and you did things. You weren’t even sure why you were doing all of those things, but you did them because you were supposed to do them. And you walked out and you wondered why you were still empty. Chilled…that’s the response of some people who come to a worship service.

2. Thrilled – The service is a great show. Leaves thinking, “That was great.”

-Then you’ve got your people who are “thrilled.” They come to see a great show. If the leaders are funny and pastor is likeable and the music fits their taste, they walk out of the building and says, “Wow, that was just an incredible experience.” (Most American Christians fit into this category.)

3. Filled –Life changed through the service, worship God throughout the week, Sunday is the celebration of what God has been doing.

-And finally, there are people who are truly “filled.” This is what we’re going for here at Millville. Filled with power and experiencing the presence of God that can really make a difference in our lives. And this is really what I strive for every week. Not just to preach well or to be funny or to be well-spoken, because that can all change week-to-week. So I really try hard to just help you come into the presence of God, wherever you are in your life. I want you to encounter the Gospel. I want you to run smack dab into Jesus Christ when you come into this place. And some weeks that experience, when you really encounter Jesus, will give peace that you never thought possible. And some weeks that experience will bother you. And some weeks that experience will challenge you. And some weeks that experience will break your heart. But whatever happens week in and week out, I want you to see Jesus. Because if you’ll see Him, you’ll walk out of this place and you will be so beautifully changed.

-So when we all came into this service today, all 3 types of people are here. Now, I don’t know who is which type and you don’t either, so don’t bother trying to figure it out. But God does know. And chances are, you know which category you fall into. So we’re all in different places. And because of that, we all have slightly different notions about what worship looks like.

-Now, wherever you are in your life today, whatever category you fall into, I want to move you closer to truly worshipping God, this morning. The title of today’s message is “How iWorship.” And that’s the question I want to help you answer today, in your own life. How do you worship?

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