
Summary: You know some people could use an hour just like that at church, a time where you let go of everything else, forget about all the, well lets just call it stuff on all of our minds and simply focus on Jesus,

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Its Happy Hour Somewhere

The world does a lot, looking for happiness, people are constantly looking for things to make them feel better,

there is a lot of money spent by people to make themselves happy.

They even coined a phrase for it, happy hour, that’s right “happy hour”

A time when you just put off the cares and responsibilities of life and get happy, you simply just forget about life for awhile.

You know some people could use an hour just like that at church, a time where you let go of everything else,

forget about all the, well lets just call it stuff on all of our minds and simply focus on Jesus,

to many times, we bring what’s going on in our lives to church with us, its not enough that we carry it with us every place else we go 24/7.

The burdens of this world will suck the oxygen right out of you, they will take the wind right out of your sail, if you let them.

That’s why we have to let go, let loose and just let the God do the rest.

TBS. in Matthew 11:29-30 NKJV

29. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

When we come into the Lords presence and that should be numerous times throughout the week,

it should be happy hour, happy hour for our soul, spirit, body and mind.

Only the devil and the world, could come up with an idea like happy hour,

that’s exactly what he wants you think,

That the things offered by his world will make you happy.

Although we experience many things in the presence of the Lord,

I would have to say that the joy of the Lord, should always be one of them.

TBS. “the joy of the Lord, is my strength”

But for a lot of Christians, it makes you wonder, If you have so much to be happy about, where is the JOY???

For some people, they feel like they have the spiritual gift of worry, a lot of people do.

Somebody once said; I am worried about the economy, my hair is in a recession, my waist is in an inflation, and I am in a depression.

How do we define worry; to be or make anxious: to feel anxious about something unpleasant that may have happened or may happen.

Worry is when you think the problem is bigger than the promises and power of God.

Either we do not believe in God’s promises or we do not trust in His ability to act on those promises.

God never panics, He is never surprised, He never gets rattled, so why should we?

Can anyone even remember what they were worried about a month ago, a yr. ago, last week, yesterday?

Its kind of funny, but do you ever think twice about a situation, after its been resolved?

We should Be anxious for nothing

1 Pet 5:7 NASB casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

The bible tells us how we can achieve that.

Mat 6:25-27, 33-34

In everything by prayer/supplication/thanksgiving

this is an important key to dealing with anxiety. The apostle Paul often connects thanksgiving with prayer.

1 Thess. 5:17–18 Col 4.2

17.pray without ceasing; everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Thanksgiving, is expressing gratitude to God for;

*who He is,

*what He has already done, and

*what He is about to do next.

That’s the exciting part, to see what He is going to do next!

Paul’s attitude here implies, both thanksgiving and submission to God.

Rom 8:28 NASB And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

This verse applies to those who submit to God’s will.

Be anxious for nothing, so do we just pretend that sickness, problems are not real?

Do we just ignore the reality around us? No!

But, We don’t need to worry about anything, because we Pray about everything, thanking God for taking care od the situation.

We should talk to God about everything that’s going on in our lives.

Some believe we should only take big problems to God.

Let me ask you a question, Is there any of our problems, big to God?

None of our problems are big to God.(rpt)

Whatever matters to you matters to God, there is nothing too small or too big to pray about.

When you make your requests to God, right then and there, thank Him for hearing and answering.

God always hears us when we call on Him, we like to think, He should sometimes answer just as quickly.

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