
Summary: Easter admonitions for Christians to get and stay busy for Christ

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“It’s Your Move”

Acts 1:1-11


· Easter should be the most important day, in the life of a Christian!

· It should remind us of the uniqueness of our faith, and the power of our God!

· It should also be a reminder of our responsibilities as a Christian!

o Christ has done His part in making a way for all mankind

o Now, Christians are called to proclaim the way,

· Life is a Spiritual Contest;

o There are two teams, Satan’s and God’s

o Each team has multiple players

§ Satan’s team has principalities, and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places

§ God’s team has those on milk, meat and strong meat

o Satan’s team is replenished any time a person is born…God’s team is replenished any time a person is born-again!

o There are two fields, the physical realm and the spiritual realm.

o There are two goals, Satan wants to keep the lost, and kill the saved; God wants to win the lost and bless the saved

· As a Christian, when Christ died on the cross, it may have looked like our team was destined to lose. Our Star Player was gone; leaving His followers with little hope!

· Yet, on the third day, with all power in His hand, our Star Player, Jesus Christ, rose again.

· According to Acts 1: 3, He spent the next 40 days preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and preparing His followers to take charge.

· Before He returned to the Father, He gave us a command… that it’s ‘Our Move’

· In order to make our move, we need to remember 3 things:

I. Mind Your Own Business, 6-7

A. This means, some things are only for you, 1-5

i. Because you’ve been chosen, 2

1. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” I Pet. 2:9

2. I Cor. 1:26-29 “God has chosen …”

ii. Because you’ve been convinced, 3 “many infallible proofs”

iii. Because you’ve been commanded, 4-5

1. “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”, I Cor. 9:16

2. Ill.: My calling to the ministry:

B. This means, some things are only for God, 6-7

Why does God withhold knowledge?

1. So that we will walk by faith, I John 3:2

2. Because of our human weaknesses, Jn. 16:12

3. Because His plan is Gradual Revelation, Eph. 3:5

C. So, knowing these things, it’s best that we mind our own business

i. Our business of dealing with the man or woman in the mirror

ii. Our business of striving to be more and more like Christ

iii. Our business of leaning and depending on the Lord

iv. Our business of listening and obeying the Holy Spirit

v. Our business of crucifying the flesh

vi. Our business of sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God

I. Mind Your Own Business…

II. Use What You’ve Got, 8

A. Use the power You’ve Got, ‘you shall receive power’

i. Notice that this power is in the form of a Promise, ‘ye shall receive power’

ii. Notice that this power is in the form of a Person, ‘the Holy Ghost’

- All Christians have the Spirit, Rom. 8:9

B. Use the calling you’ve got, ‘ye shall be witnesses’

i. To testify of what you know!

ii. To testify wherever you go!

iii. To testify so others may grow!

C. But, what if you’ve done something to lose your power or waste your calling?

i. Ill. The fall of Samson, Jud. 16:1ff

ii. Notice HOW Samson lost his power

1. By placing his heart in the wrong hands, 4

2. By playing with the gift of God, vss. 7, 11, 13

3. By giving in to the pressures of the world, vs. 15-16

· One of the saddest verses in the Bible: Judges 16:20 “…And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.”

iii. Ill. The rise of Samson, His Hair Grew Back, 22

1. Although he lost his physical sight, he regained his spiritual power!

2. Although he lost his physical freedom, he regained his spiritual power!

3. Although he lost his physical life, he regained his spiritual power!

D. Learn to use what you’ve got!

i. Stop complaining about what you don’t have, and start using what you’ve got

ii. Stop worrying about what you think you need, and start using what you’ve got

iii. Stop wishing for things to be the way you want them, and start using what you’ve got…

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