It's Not My Job Series
Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God expects participation in His church from everyone.
Isn’t it nice to have the lights turned on? I really like coming in and having a nice bulletin that we can look at and know what is going on this morning and this week.
I also like the fact that someone took the time to plan out all the song service and that we have someone who is willing and able to play for our song service.
I very thankful for the person who organizes sets the schedule for meditations, servers, ushers, security, and all the things that need to happen for us to be able to be here today.
I am thankful we have Worship leaders, teachers, and those who take the leadership roles in our various ministries in the church. I am also thankful for the men who are deacons and the men who are our Elders, who make sure the ship stays on the right course.
It takes a lot of work and people to make this church run.
What would happen if we all decided to sit back and pass the buck off to someone else? What if the people who prepare communion decide to just not do it anymore? Would we have communion today? Yes, but it would be more work.
In the church we ALL need to understand that when God builds a Church, it is full of people who are willing to be active vital parts of the ministry of the church.
God has placed each of us in His church so that we can in part help the church to function at its’ fullest potential.
The church cannot afford for any of us to sit back and think, "It is not my job!"
Each and every one of us has an important role to play in the building of God’s church. I hope that if you do not have a ministry in this church after this morning you will see the importance of you having one!
Let¡¦s turn to Ephesians 4:11-16.
Let us see what verses 11-12 tell us.
Ephesians 4:11 - 12 (NASB) 11And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
In verses 11-12 we see to types of people who are being spoken to. Each of us falls into one or for some, both of these categories.
The first category is that of equipper. In verse 11 we see that God gave some as apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers.
This list is not a comprehensive list of equippers, but it is enough of one for us to get the idea.
In God’s church, there must be a group of people who are willing to step up and use their God-given abilities to equip other. Some of the above listed positions were part of the foundation of the church and are no longer functional, but yet their work is still impacting the church to this day.
Apostles and prophets were part of the foundation of the church. Ephesians 2:20 reminds us, "having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,"
The apostles and prophets built the foundation in which the rest of the church functions under Jesus. Evangelists are literally "bearers of good news."
They publicly and privately proclaim the gospel. (Acts 8:5-13, 26-40)
The "pastor-teachers" shepherd and feed the flock (the church). It is interesting to see how these equipping positions depend on one another to work.
There is a flock to shepherd because of those who were evangelistic and presented the message to those who were lost. The message was written in part by the apostles and prophets.
The second category is those who are being equipped. Verse 12 says the equippers are to equip the saints. The saints are Christians.
It is all of our jobs to allow ourselves to be equipped. We are to allow the leaders to teach, shepherd and help us grow spiritually!
I was one who allowed the church to equip me for the work of ministry.
We are called to be equipped for the work or ministry of service.
No preacher or elder can do the work of the church alone. Too many churches have had the mentality the "paid staff" or the leadership has the responsibility to do all the work service in the church.
Many churches never get over the 100-200 barrier because not enough people are willing to do the work of service. They cannot hire enough staff to do the work they want done so the church stays at the level at which the few who are working can handle.