
Summary: The devil tries to fool us into believing something is a certain way even though its not; therefore it’s just an Illusion.

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“It’s just an Illusion”


District Elder M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

Genesis 37: 1 - 5, 12 – 18, 23 – 28, 31 – 36

According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary On-Line an illusion is: the action of deceiving, the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled: an instance of deception, a misleading image presented to the vision: something that deceives or misleads intellectually, perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature: a pattern capable of reversible perspective: In other words an Illusion is a Mind Game

OPENING:- Here in the 37th chapter of Genesis we are introduced to a young man by the name of Joseph. Joseph is one of the great-grandsons of Abraham, the 11th son of Jacob, and the first-born son of Jacob’s wife Rachel.

There is something unique here about this young man named Joseph and that is from the 37th chapter through the rest of the book of Genesis, which contains 50 chapters, is the story of his life. As a matter of fact more is written about Joseph than the creation or any other person in the book of Genesis.

One of the reasons this is I believe is because the life of Joseph was a good and honorable one. The Bible says in Phil 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things”.

I believe that God wants us to see how possible it is to live a sanctified, honorable and morally clean life in the midst of confusion and sin. Joseph’s life was not doubt a very sheltered and pampered life. The morals that he held onto and his determination to be separate from sin is considerably seen throughout different scenes in his history.

Another reason I believe there is so much written about Joseph is because of his Christ likeness. Understand that no place in scripture is Joseph represented as a type of Christ, however, there is no-one in scripture that is more like Christ in his person and experiences than Joseph. I know someone will say what about Joshua and even-though Joshua is a type of Christ his person and experiences are not like that of Joseph.

Some scholars say there are about 30 parallels between Jesus and Joseph. Here are just a few of the similarities between Jesus and Joseph.

Joseph - Jesus

His birth was miraculous because his mother was barren and it took an intervention from God. - Jesus’ birth is miraculous because it was a virgin birth, an intervention from God

Joseph was loved by his father. - Jesus was loved by His Father who declared “This is my beloved son”

Joseph had a coat of many colors which set him apart. - Jesus was set apart in that he was separate from sinners.

Joseph announced that his brethren would bow down to him - At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow

Joseph’s father sent him to seek his brethren - Jesus came to his brethren – He came first to the lost house of Israel.

Joseph was hated without cause - Jesus was hated without cause

Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver - Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver

Joseph became a servant - Jesus became a servant

Joseph was blessing to others- Jesus is a blessing to everyone

Joseph was a provider of bread - Jesus is the bread of life

Joseph was numbered with the transgressors in the dungeon - Jesus was numbered with the transgressors at Calvary

Joseph was tempted by the world, the flesh, and the devil and he resisted and became the right hand man of Pharaoh. - Jesus was tempted by the world, the flesh, the devil and he resisted and won the victory and is sitting on the right hand of God.

Just to name a few.

We must first understand that the sons of Jacob, the older 10 were some very rowdy and violent men. They were liars, murders, fornicators, deceivers, and their reputation in the community was one that was to be feared. Joseph’s reputation was much different. Joseph was the favored son because he was the first- born son of the wife that Jacob loved and worked 14 years for Rachel. No doubt Rachel kept Joseph close to her side on a apron string and treated him much like Jacob’s mother, Rebecca treated him. She probably taught him to be very respectful of women, to have good manners, to always be honest and never do anything that would bring reproach upon himself or the family. She instilled values in Joseph that were lacking in the other sons of Jacob. Benjamin, Joseph younger brother was just a little baby at this time so he was unable to have any reputation.

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