
It's About Jesus

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 23, 2023
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This sermon explores the transformative power of the Gospel, introduced in Mark 1:1, emphasizing its ability to change us through the living Word, Jesus Christ.


Welcome, beloved family in Christ! It's a joy to gather with you today as we open our hearts and minds to the transformative power of God's word.

We are about to immerse ourselves in the Gospel of Mark, specifically Mark 1:1, a passage that introduces us to Jesus, the Son of God. It's a verse that may seem simple at first glance, but within its few words, it contains the very heart of the Gospel message.

Alistair Begg, the great preacher of the 19th century, once said, "The story is of God reaching out to rescue all who trust in Christ by giving them an undeserved gift: a right standing before him." This is the power of the Gospel that Mark 1:1 introduces us to - the power of Jesus, the Son of God, to change us, to transform us, to make us new.

So as we open our hearts to the Word of God today, let's remember that we are not just reading words on a page, but we are encountering the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. Let's remember that the Gospel is not just a message, but a power - the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.

Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time together, for the privilege of opening your Word and encountering your Son, Jesus Christ. We ask that you would open our hearts to understand the truth of the Gospel, that we might be transformed by its power. May we not just hear the Word, but be doers of the Word, living out the truth of the Gospel in our daily lives. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Son of God, amen.

Jesus, the Son of God

In the Gospel of Mark, we find ourselves face-to-face with Jesus, the Son of God. This is a profound truth that we must take to heart. Jesus is truly the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, fully God and fully man. This is the foundation of our faith, the cornerstone of our belief.

Jesus, being the Son of God, holds a unique position. He is the only begotten Son, not created but eternally existing with the Father. This is a mystery that we may not fully comprehend, but it is a truth that we must accept and believe. Jesus is not just another prophet or a holy man. He is the Son of God, equal with the Father in power and glory.

This truth is a life-changing reality that should shape our understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. As the Son of God, Jesus has the authority to forgive sins, to heal the sick, to calm the storm, and to raise the dead. His words are not just good advice or moral teachings. They are the words of God, spoken with the authority of the Son of God.

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Moreover, as the Son of God, Jesus is the perfect revelation of God. He is the image of the invisible God, the exact representation of His being. In Jesus, we see the love, the mercy, the grace, and the holiness of God. We see God's heart for the lost, His compassion for the sick, His anger against sin, and His love for the sinner. In Jesus, we see God.

Furthermore, as the Son of God, Jesus is our mediator, our bridge to God. He is the one who has reconciled us to God, who has brought us into a right relationship with the Father. Through His death and resurrection, He has paid the price for our sins, He has defeated death, and He has opened the way for us to come to God. Through Jesus, we can know God, we can love God, and we can serve God.

Finally, as the Son of God, Jesus is our Savior. He is the one who has saved us from our sins, who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and who has brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son. He is the one who has given us new life, who has given us hope, and who has given us a future. In Jesus, we have salvation, we have life, and we have hope.

Transition. These truths about Jesus, the Son of God, are truths to be believed, to be embraced, and to be lived out. They should shape our understanding of who Jesus is, they should guide our relationship with Him, and they should inspire our love for Him. As we come to know Jesus as the Son of God, we come to know God Himself. And as we come to know God, we come to know the depth of His love for us, the richness of His grace towards us, and the greatness of His plans for us.

Journey through Mark 1:1

The first phrase, "The beginning of the good news," declares that something significant is about to unfold ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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