
Summary: Why we need to worship

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What would the difference in your life would it be if you began to make worship as your way of life and not

just an hour event on Sunday morning? What would be the benefits of one who worships in spirit as

Jesus tells us in JN 4:23? Do you approach God in worship with the question, “What am I going to

get out of this?” Worship is for God’s glory not ours. God is deserving of our worship whether we get

any thing out of it or not.

The Number one benefit is for you to have A CLOSENESS WITH GOD. PS 22:3 says something like this,

“You are enthroned in the praises of Your people.” If you desire to get God attention, WORSHIP. If you

desire to hear from heaven WORSHIP. If you desire to get God involved in your life WORSHIP. It might be

of interest to you that men in the OT built altars and took time to worship God. Moses built an altar in the

middle of the wilderness. He did not wait to go to the church of his day. If you have a mess up on Monday if

will not help to know well next Sunday I can seek God’s help in church. It is a long time from Monday until

Sunday. We need to be able to worship on Monday because when we worship God shows up. Your worship

could be singing, reading the Bible and praying what your heart desires now. The Bible is very clear that

God inhabits the people that praise Him. When we get down to worship Him as our main business, He

comes to enthrone us. When He is in our life everything changes. In Worship we bring our God who

sometimes seems where out there into our very lives. You see if God seems afar way off could it be that

you have not be worshiping Him? A long time that we let our worship periods be spread out the more we

have along distance relationship with God. Let us look at Heb. 10:19-22 “Come close to God. It is because

of the blood of Jesus that you have no reason to be at a distance from God anymore. You might be saying

today “I have a need. Things are not as they should be” Let me urge you to draw near to God in worship

and you will find One who will give us mercy and grace for our help. We can draw close to Jesus as we can

no one else. This does not mean that every problem and every hurt will disappear but His grace will give us

the comfort we need. When we come to God in worship we are coming to the “Holy One” who is on a higher

level than anything in this world has to offer. So come to God on His terms and on His turf. When you come

to Him with a sincere heart His word to us is, “Come up close to me, my child. Snuggle up to me and


The second benefit of worship is A RECONDITIONED FAITH. It may seem sometimes that when you are

trying to serve God to the best you can you are getting no where. So the tempter comes to you and says,

“Why do you continue to do good when those doing wrong are getting ahead in this world?” It is in worship

that you will be reminded that what you see is not all there is. Worship restores your faith. We see this in

PS 73. It is written that “God is those who are pure in heart.” But he looked at the wicked and saw

their bank accounts, cars, houses and pleasures. It seemed that they had no pains, their bodies were

strong and their troubles were few if any. They also were proud of their wicked ways. So he remarks

something like this, “Why should I spend time keeping myself pure for all I see is trouble in my life.” Then it

was in vs 16,17 that he came to the house of God to worship and it was revealed to him the ending of those

who do evil. By worship he saw that he did not have to worry about slipping up because God was holding

him by the hand. He took time to confess that God was all that he needed and his faith was renewed. It is in

worship that god lets us see things that are only seen through spiritual eyes. I have had times in my life and

I am sure you have when things were not well in my life and I was a little confused about what was

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