
Summary: And I am here to tell you today when God’s got a divine calling in your life he will get in the situation and get in your problems with you.

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It is Time to go Deep!

Luke Chpt. 5v4

Pastor Edwards

The Bible says that the crowed pressed against Jesus. There were so many people interested in what Jesus was saying that they pressed so greatly against him that they was pushing Jesus to the edge of the water. But Jesus did not stop preaching but what he did was seen an opportunity to not only to save the souls of the people who pressed against him but also to save Peter James and John the son of Zebedee. So he went inside of Peters boat. Yes he could have chosen the other boat but he had a divine mission for Peter to Carry out. To make Peter and James and John fisher men of me.

And I am here to tell you today when God’s got a divine calling in your life he will get in the situation and get in your problems with you. If you don’t believe me just ask the three Hebrew boys. You all remember when king Nebuchadnezzar threw them in the fiery furnace he looked in and said how many did we throw in and they answered three he sais I see four and the fourth looks like the son of God. I tell you when you are lost God will find you. When you in trouble he will rescue you And when he has work for you to do he want leave you alone but he will get in with you and show you the way. I tell you that is what kind of God we serve.

When he gets in the he tells Peter to pull out a little bit from the land and he continued to preach. Now Peter’s boat has now been reconstructed from a boat that will catch fish to a pulpit to catch men. You all remember what Jesus told his disciples in the book of Mark 1:17 “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” See every pulpit is a fishing boat a place to give out the Word of God and attempt to catch some fish. This doe not mean that you and I will always catch fish every time we give out the word. But it does mean that the one that God has left us in charge of this here boat must not forget the supreme business of being a under Sheppard which is to fish for the souls of men.

Now in verse 4 after Jesus finished speaking to the people he tells Peter to Launch out to the deep and let down your net for a draught. Tell you neighbor it’s time to go deep.

It is time to go deep. And Peter tell Jesus that “we have toiled all night and have taken nothing. But never the less at thy word I will let down the net.” Nevertheless at they word I will let down the net indicates that Simon Peter had put up an argument. You have to understand that Peter was a professional fisher man. He did not do this for a hobby he did not do this for fun but this was his professional fisher man. He knew when to fish, where to fish and what bait to use when fishing. He support his family by fishing he made a living off fishing and now here come this carpenter telling theses men how to fish. But he was not getting them prepared to fish for fish but he was getting them prepared to fish for men.

See some of us is like Peter God wants to us ready for something bigger put we get so use of fishing in shallow waters. God wants you to go too the next level but you are still in shallow water. God is saying you got to go deep. See in shallow water we are familiar with it. In shallow water we have experience with it. in shallow waters we know what to expect but Jesus is saying to the church tonight it’s time to go deep.

Pastors it is time to go deep. We have been fishing in shallow waters for too long. Why because we are familiar with it. I can tell you haw many folks I am going to have at Sunday school on next week. This week. I can tell you how many folks I am going to have at prayer meeting on Wednesday and it just Sunday. Because I’m familiar with my people. I am like Peter, I do not do it for fun, but I am doing it because I am commissioned to do it and since I have been doing it I have become familiar with it. But God is saying it is time to go deep And why is God saying you got to go deep. He saying it because some of us have been dealing wit the same old fish for many years. I don’t come to beat you down put if the shoe fits put it on and wear it. Some of us has been dealing with those perronas for many years yall know what I am talking about. The ones that will eat up any thing in sight. Every time some thing new get dropped in the tank they the first ones to say who is you.? Were you come from? and you don’t look like one of us. And God forbid you don’t have more than one peronna in the church. Before you can even get a chance to preached. The peronna than already ate them. Some of yall know what I am talking about. We have been dealing with the same fish for many years.

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