
Summary: God promises to do a new thing in the life of His people today, but we must be willing to look up unto Him and believe Him for His words to be able to possess the new thing.

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Study Text: Isaiah 43: 15 - 21.


- God is sharing with us what we need to do whenever life gets stressful and we are overwhelmed.

- We need to forget the past and the ways things used to be and look up unto Him for a new thing.

- We need to get stirred up with a determination that comes from the Holy Spirit in us to believe God for a new thing, which is more glorious than those of yesteryears.

- As Christians, we are working together with God; He has a part and we have a part. And the simple truth is, if we will do what we can do, God will do what we cannot do. We need to Let Go of the Past and Get a New Beginning from God.

- God has good plans for our lives and He wants to do a new thing in us and through us today. But if we are stuck in the past, thinking about the bad things that happened to us or the things we regret and cannot do anything about, then we would not be able to see what God is doing right now.

We shall discuss the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Proclamation of a New Thing

2. The Performance of a New Thing

3. The Possession of a New Thing

1. The Proclamation of a New Thing:

- A New Thing is one of God’s promises to us, and we know that all of his promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20).

- Whenever a promised is made, the reliability of the promised depends on:

1. The Integrity of the Person:

- What are the things he has said before, and how committed and faithful he has been with his words in time past.

- God is known through out the scriptures to be a promise keeper and a covenant keeping God. Nehemiah 1: 5.

- He had never failed in His words, but He is always faithful and committed to bring them to pass.

2. The Ability of the Person:

- The power and resources that are at the disposal of the person will determine whether he can do what he promised to do.

- Our God is all knowing and all powerful. He has the power and resources to accomplish whatever He chose or promised to do.

3. The Generosity of the Person:

- How much the person can sacrifice and be willing to part with for the blessings of others.

- We have a testimony that our God is a gracious and generous giver. He gave us the best, His Son, willingly and freely.

- The Bible assured us that we can trust His generosity to freely give us all things. Therefore, we can truly rely and stand on His words and promises for us. Romans 8:32.

- As believers, our hope ultimately rests in the promise that Christ will come back for us one day and make all things new (Revelation 21:5). But what about the here and now?

- In this life, God promised to do a new thing in every area of our lives and we can stand secured on His words and promises.

- We can believe God for a new thing in our homes, in our jobs and businesses, in our studies and careers, in our ministries, in our nation, concerning our health, concerning our finances and above all, concerning our relationships and services unto God.

- God promises to do it now. Right away, you can believe God for glorious new things and receive them by faith.

- He said the new thing will spring forth. That is it shall be a glorious thing that cannot be hidden, people will see it, talk about it, desire it and glorify God for it.

- God will even make a way in the wilderness and give rivers in the desert. That is, the new thing shall include unimaginable things and those seemingly impossible.

2. The Performance of a New Thing:

- The Scripture is full of stories that show us how God makes things new for his glory and for the good of his people.

- There are several ways recorded in the scriptures by which God did new things for the blessings of His people and to the glory of His name, some of which include:

1. Divine Creation:

- In doing something new, God can create what was not in place before. For example, for the deliverance of the Israelites from the oppression of the stubborn pursuers, He created a way in the Red Sea.

- Or it can be a recreation of what used to be, but was destroyed by the enemy. For example, our new birth is an art of recreation. 2 Corinthians 5:17.

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