
Summary: Pentecost 20(B) - God declares: "It is not good for the man to be alone." Therefore God creates companionship when he establishes marriage. Marriage is a lifelong, joyful commitment.

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September 28, 2008 --


Genesis 2:18-24

INTRO: Companionship is a very valuable commodity in our society today. Christian companionship, in marriage and in God’s church, brings special blessings. You and I trust one another because of the bonds in the companionship of our families, whether physical or spiritual. Today our Lord God discusses the blessings of marriage. The Lord declares in our text that it is not good (for the man) to be alone. God creates marriage for the man and the woman. In the bigger picture Scripture also describes the relation of the church and God in terms of marriage. "For your Maker is your husband--the LORD Almighty is his name--the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth"(ISAIAH 54:5). In general, marriage can apply to all believers and their close relationship with God. Specifically, marriage is between a man and a woman. In either case we are reminded of the Lord’s words today.


I. God creates companionship.

II. Marriage is a joyful commitment.


A. Genesis 1, beginning, describes creation chronologically. Each day of creation is listed in order.

1. Genesis 2 presents creation topically. There is no specific order given of creation in chapter 2.

2. Verse 19a. The Lord God created animals by his simple, yet powerful word, “Let there be”….

B. Verse 19b. God brings all the animals before Adam. There was no fear among the animals.

1. The animals did not fear the man nor man the animals. The world still lived in perfection.

2. Verse 20. None of the animals was a suitable helper for Adam, physically or intellectually.

C. Verse 18. The Lord God realized Adam needed a suitable helper.

1. Verse 21. With infinite care God creates woman from the man whom he created from dust.

2. Verse 22. Companionship is created. Marriage is established. God blesses with joy and love.

D. From the beginning of time it was the Lord God Almighty who established marriage. It is the Lord God Almighty who blesses marriage. Marriage is not a church tradition. Marriage is not something to do just to please our parents or impress others. States do require that a man and a woman do get a license. It was and still is pleasing to God that a man and a woman live in the bonds of marriage as he has established it. How many look at marriage as something outdated and old-fashioned? "In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God"(1 CORINTHIANS 11:11,12). God creates companionship. God has established from the very beginning. God also blesses marriage.

E. Our society today finds it very difficult to define what is right and what is wrong. This means that the boundaries of morality are often blurred. People get married. Then they divorce and again get married to someone else. At times this cycle continues beyond human comprehension. Others live and do as they want desiring only to please and satisfy the sinful nature. “If it feels good, do it” is the boast of our modern day pleasure seekers. Immorality is all around us. One does not have to watch television very long to have their sensibilities assaulted. Television programming and commercials are based on the thought that sex sells. "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral"(HEBREWS 13:4). God is still concerned about morality.

F. God has established marriage between a man and a woman as the ultimate expression of love. How very sad that it has come to the point that states have to pass laws defining marriage. Our God blesses God-pleasing marriages abundantly. There is companionship. It is not good to be alone. "Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them" (PSALM 127:3-5a). Yes, contrary to the feelings of today, children are blessings. They are not to be counted as liabilities.


God creates companionships – marriages blessed as families.


A. Verse 20. Adam names all the animals. There is no helper suitable. Man and animals are different.

1. God knew this. God wanted the man, Adam to come to the same conclusion.

2. God creates woman, verse 21. With great joy God presents woman to man, verse 22.

B. Verse 23. The man, Adam, is overjoyed. He sees woman, Eve, as a suitable helper, a companion.

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