
Summary: Fear is often accompanied by many situations in life and it is comforting to know that Christ is there for us in those weak moments.

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I. Introduction

A. It is common for people to fear.

1. You are not alone or anywhere close by yourself when you are fearful of certain things

a. We have all had a bad month of income where we just didn’t know how the bills were going to get paid

b. We have all been horrified when a murder is on the loose

c. We have all been fearful of what will happen when we leave this life

d. As we begin learning about each other, you learning about Becca and I, and as we learn about you. It can be a fearful time.

2. I have learned one crucial and honest fact in life, that has helped go to sleep every night

a. There is a source you and I can go to help us in any situation in life

b. God is that source

c. He has given us his inspired and inerrant word of God, the Bible

d. It only seems smart to go to the pages of his words and look for comfort

B. From honestly searching His word, I have found the solution

1. It is very easily seen in lives that are going through fear itself

2. If we can see these individual get through the terror; we should find the commonality that helped them overcome

3. Let’s go on a search together in the book of Matthew

II. Seemingly Lost in the rippling tides

A. Have you ever found yourself lost in a wilderness with a group of friends?

1. It is a very frightening experience.

2. Especially in those times where darkness has enveloped the land

3. In Boy Scouts, I found myself in this kind of situation

4. In Boy Scouts, we went camping a lot. This particular February was not any different month of camping, but this one stands out for multiple reasons

B. In Matthew 14:22-26, The disciples of Jesus are seen in a state of fear

1. Jesus placed the disciples in a boat and sent them across the sea of Galilee

a. The lake itself is 21 miles long and 8 miles wide

b. After Jesus had sent them off – he dealt with the crowd & prayed

2. As they rowed further and further away from the shore natural tendencies began to take place

a. They probably began to worry about Jesus

b. The obvious question of how was Jesus going to get to the other side had come up.

c. The sea became rough and almost impossible to get across

3. These men were fearful of just getting across the Galilean Sea

a. Restless they assuredly became doubtful to say the least

b. Are we making it across this Sea

c. You know Peter we have 8 miles to get across this thing

4. Then something else takes place

a. They look out into the Sea and something moving around

b. They peer into the darkness and the large waves and see a figure on the water

c. They become riled and upset – the only thing they can come up with is that the figure had to be a ghost

5. Can you imagine the first person who saw this thing

a. I would say it wasn’t Peter who was the first person to see – you know he would have had something to say

b. Maybe it was John

c. Maybe it was Matthew the writer of this letter

C. (Matt 14:27) As they got frantic and probably ready to jump out of the boat – Jesus speaks up, “It is I, don’t be afraid.”

III. The fear of uncomprehendable things

A. It is common for each of us to fear change itself, let alone some cataclysmic change in someone you know

1. Just simple tradition is hard to see change

2. Our families we do not want to see change

a. Parents don’t want children to grow up

b. Children don’t want to move from their known neighborhood

c. We just don’t know what the road ahead is going to be like

3. We are taught to fear God and rightfully so – In some ways we should be fearful

a. It is hard for us sometimes to fear him

b. Can you imagine being face to face?

c. That would bring a major stir of emotions

B. (Matthew 17:1-8) The disciple fell face down to the ground frightened

1. Of course they were terrified

a. Here they had made it to the top of the mountain – tired and weary

b. They see Jesus transfigure

c. They see two dead men walking and talking with Jesus

2. Then a booming voice comes from heaven, seemingly from nowhere

a. A sound that encompassed there entire bodies

b. You’ve been around sound that you could feel

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