It's Too Late!
Contributed by Michael Stark on Jan 29, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Has western culture gone too far for redemption? Scripture would indicate that our society is flirting with divine judgement.
“I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’ And he said, ‘Go, and say to this people:
‘“Keep on hearing, but do not understand;
keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’
Make the heart of this people dull,
and their ears heavy,
and blind their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.”
Then I said, ‘How long, O Lord?’
And he said:
‘Until cities lie waste
without inhabitant,
and houses without people,
and the land is a desolate waste,
and the LORD removes people far away,
and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
And though a tenth remain in it,
it will be burned again,
like a terebinth or an oak,
whose stump remains
when it is felled.”
The holy seed is its stump.’” , [1] [2]
Drag queen story hour for children, some as young as two and three years of age? Drag queens—men dressed as women and wearing revealing outfits, dancing seductively in front of children? And first- and second-graders brought to the event by their parents are encouraged to stuff money into skimpy tights worn by the dancers? Three-year-old children given puberty blockers because some “expert” decides that the child—some as young as two-years of age—wants to be a sex other than the sex they were at birth? Kindergartners indoctrinated into the proper use of pronouns? Street preachers are even arrested for reading the Bible quietly near a gay pride parade?
If somehow these actions were not horrific enough, anyone who speaks out to say such actions are evil are immediately labelled as “hateful” or “malicious.” Parents are censured for wanting to be informed of what their children are being taught, especially when the teaching is more of an indoctrination than it is education in basic knowledge.
It seems as if each day reveals a new and more horrific piece of information meant to shock the intellect of rational people. Recently, I read an article detailing the tragic fact that though libraries are hosting drag queen story hours that encourage the children to touch the fake breasts worn by the drag queens, libraries prohibit biblical story hours. [3] A Christian reading a faith-based book is a bridge too far in our modern Sodom. We can’t permit those pesky Christians to indoctrinate children into acting righteously and honourably! We must groom them from earliest childhood to be twisted.
Should visitors from another planet visit our world, they would surely conclude that ours is a civilisation that has gone utterly insane! It is almost impossible to watch a television drama or comedy without at least one character portrayed as a transexual or as an in-your-face homosexual. It is as though our culture is intent on desensitising viewers into to accept as mainstream what is at best decidedly fringe. One might suspect that there is a conspiracy to change our opinions.
It is easy to fall into a belief that evil has never been so blatant in any society as it is in our own. Many among the saints of God appear to be convinced that no society has ever been as degraded or as godless as our own contemporary society. I’m not minimising the wickedness of this day, nor am I attempting to formulate an apologia for the present moment in history, but even a casual perusal of history reveals that evil has often overwhelmed once prominent and powerful societies. The story of nations reveals that powerful nations, indeed, that entire cultures arose and were noted for the virtue they demonstrated. Then, as that nation, or as that culture prospered, the people grew soft and began to tolerate increasing levels of wickedness. At last, the wickedness, like leaven working throughout dough, thoroughly infiltrated the entire culture. The final days of that nation, or that culture, was characterised by degradation and evil. What we are witnessing in our present culture appears to be a tragic continuation of history. Perhaps this is the terminal generation, perhaps mankind’s end is at hand. Whether this is the case or not cannot be known. That we may be witnessing the last days of the American experiment, and the concomitant fall of the Dominion of Canada does seem plausible.
So, is this the final generation? I don’t know, and in one sense the question is moot. What I do know as one who is known by the Risen Saviour is that however godless the culture may be in which I now live, I am responsible to honour Him to Whom I am committed. I am an Ambassador of Christ, charged to proclaim His mercy to any who will receive Him as Master over life, warning all now living in the midst of the cesspool we call modern culture that they must prepare to meet the very God they wish to ignore. I know, and I am certain, that the Son of God has promised to return at an hour when no one expects Him. Therefore, I must guard my own heart so that whatever is taking place in society I will always be found watching for the return of the Saviour.