
Summary: How many Churches… How many Christians have let the culture normalize sin and they have just adapted themselves to it. This sermon will help us deal with the consequences of condoning sin and what we should do to avoid it.

God hates sin, shouldn’t we? Jesus died to offer us forgiveness for our sins, not so we would have a free pass to keep on sinning, He didn’t die on that cross so we could receive a “Get out of Hell Free” card… But here we are a couple of thousand years later watching sin become glorified, watching sin be accepted, watching our government legitimatize, and legalize SIN in our culture, and sadly, it seems, very few churches or Christians are willing to speak out against it… Am I wrong? How many pastors today are teaching what the Bible says about condoning sin? Or better yet how many even mention sin at all? How many Churches… How many Christians have allowed the culture to normalize sin and just adapted themselves to it.

So, What Does it Mean to Condone Sin? It’s simple, Condoning sin simply means accepting sin and all it does, leading to pain, destruction, and separation from God.

The dictionary defines ‘condone’ as regarding or treating something bad or blameworthy as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless. Condoning sin means you accept, allow, and yes, even approve of that sin in your life and in the lives of others.

Sin is not only condoned in today’s culture... It is Celebrated… Look around, June is PRIDE month our nation has devoted a whole month to celebrate SIN… We live in a nation where many condone killing children through abortion… Many people rationalize sin and allow it to invade their lives and the lives of others.

Even Christians are afraid to speak out against sin for fear of being called names or being accused of “judging” others. We must Recognizing sin for what it is -- That's what Jesus, the disciples, and the Apostle Paul spent their life doing in order to help people repent from a sinful life. They weren’t “judging” them… They were trying to open peoples’ eyes to the basic truth that sin is deadly, and repentance saves. Yes, they suffered for speaking out against sin but look how many lives were saved because they loved people enough to help them recognize the need for change and turn from their sinful ways.

You know what? Silence about sin is condoning it. Sure, we all sin, but as Christians the Holy Spirit calls us to become aware of our sins, and ask forgiveness for them, and leads us to “Go and sin no more.” Jesus wasn’t judging the woman at the well when he pointed out every sin in her past, He was offering her a new beginning, He was offering living water. He didn’t Judge the woman who committed adultery as He wrote upon the ground… He offered her life…

Paul wasn’t judging the churches he wrote to when he pointed out their sins. He loved them enough to say the life you’re leading now is wrong, and you must repent. Paul, Peter, the disciples, and Jesus never condoned sin, and we, as followers of Jesus shouldn’t either! As believers we must take a stand for righteous living and encourage others to do the same. Their life depends on it.

What Does the Bible Say about Condoning Sin?

There will always be sin in the world and as long as Satan is allowed to roam around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, you will be enticed with sin that opposes God’s ways. That’s what sin is, it's going against God. You can say you’re a Christian till the cows come home, but if you willfully choose to sin, you’re controlled by Satan, not God.

We live in a culture that calls good evil and evil good, and to many of us have condoned sin for much to long… People want Justification to live a homosexual lifestyle, people want justification to shack up, people want justification to commit adultery, people want justification to lie, cheat and steal… Folks we live in a world where the minority rules the majority where morality and truth are concerned…

Scripture addresses sin and tells us not to entertain it, not to condone it, not to participate in it…but to repel it.

Here’s some scripture in case you need a refresher:

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Prov. 6:16-19

Do you ever feel like God isn’t listening? Maybe you’re condoning sin in your life, or maybe in someone else’s life?

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom. 6:23

If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Heb. 10:26-27

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