
Summary: What does it mean to repent and be a part of the Kingdom of God?

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Scripture: Mark 1:14-15; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:1-3

Theme: Kingdom of God

Title: It’s Kingdom Time!

What does it mean to repent and be a part of the Kingdom of God?


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

When we read the Gospel of Mark, we have to be ready for the ride of our lives.

Mark’s Gospel does not ease us from one story to the next. It’s not a Gospel that provides many finite details.

Mark moves rather quickly. He doesn’t pause to smell the roses. He goes from one major event to the next.

Over the last few weeks, we have seen him go from the beginning of the Gospel Story to Jesus’ baptism then makes a quick turn to Jesus’ temptation and today we read about the start of Jesus’ ministry. All of that takes place in just 15 verses.

It takes Matthew three chapters and Luke four chapters to get to the same place that Mark takes 15 verses.

In our passage this morning, Mark quickly tells us that John the Baptizer has been arrested. John’s mission of being the forerunner of Christ is nearly over. No secondary details just quick facts.

Now, is the time of Jesus.

So, when we read verse 15 –

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

What does all that mean?

What was Mark trying to share with us?

Well, let’s take a few moments this morning and see what we can glean from these few words.

I. It’s time – For Jesus

For the past 20+ years Jesus had been living in Nazareth. He had been enjoying life working as a carpenter and living with his mother Mary and the rest of the family. He had been busy making friends and just experiencing life here on His Heavenly Father’s Good Earth.

But upon John’s arrest, Jesus knows that the final part of His earthly mission needed to begin. His time of being a full-time carpenter and making his home in Nazareth had come to an end.

It was time for Jesus to travel and share the Good News. It was time for Jesus to share the Good News of rescue, redemption, New Birth (regeneration) and the infilling of God’s Holy Spirit.

Over the next few years, Jesus would reveal His full identity. He will make plain the truth that He, Jesus of Nazareth is in fact the Son of God, Israel’s Messiah and Savior.

Over the next few years, Jesus would display His power over all of creation as He walks on the sea, calms the storms and multiplies the loaves and fishes.

Over the next few years, Jesus would display His power over sickness, disease and even death as He heals the leper, the blind, the mute and the paralyzed along with raising people from the dead.

Over the next few years, Jesus would reveal He will take the place of the sacrificial lamb for atonement. He would fulfill the prophesies written in Isaiah 53.

Over the next few years, Jesus would reveal how that through His death the penalty of sin and the power of sin would be broken. The stranglehold that the Devil and sin held over all creation would be broken.

Over the next few years, Jesus would make clear that He would die for all mankind on the cross of Calvary and after three days He would rise again in victory as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

II. It’s Time for All Mankind

It was not only time for Jesus, but it was also time for humanity as well.

It was and still is time for humanity to receive, accept and allow the Kingdom of God to become a constant reality in their individual and collective lives.

In Genesis 6:3 the Bible tells us that the Spirit of the LORD will not always strive or work with mankind. There comes a point where the door of opportunity is closed.

It’s one reason why Jesus gave us the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).

It was not to scare us or threaten us.

It was to share an eternal truth. There comes a time just as it did in the time of Noah when the Ark of Salvation’s door is closed.

In other words – we are to never waste an opportunity to either share the Gospel or receive the Gospel. We should never waste an opportunity to turn away from a life of sin and turn towards the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

The Good News is that salvation, redemption and being infilled with God’s Holy Spirit is available here and now. We are invited to take full advantage of what God has for us today.

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