
Summary: The greatest weapon we have in our fight against the enemy is to maintain an honest heart before God & speak a language that confuses the enemy while we wait to receive & recover all that God has promised us.

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Genesis 1:1-4

11:4---Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth." (Genesis 11:4, ESV)

11:6---"If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them." (NIV)

God created two things:

Heaven & Earth

From Chaos to Recovery

cha·os = complete disorder and confusion:

(miscommunication- turmoil-perfect pandemonium)

Recovery refers to:

A recovery is when you save something that was lost, in danger of becoming lost, or retrieved. If something was taken from you, such as diamonds, money, or your dignity, and you get it back, you can say that you are glad for its recovery. The noun recovery also refers to a return to a natural or original state. After a devastating hurricane, an area's recovery may take many years.

The process of becoming well again after an illness or injury.

The act, process, or instance of regaining something lost or taken away.

In economic terms, it can also refer to an economic upturn after a depression


GENESIS 11:4, Genesis 11:6

Up until this point in the Bible, the whole world spoke the same language, meaning there was one common speech for all people.

God disrupted the work by confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer understand one another. The city was never completed

The goal of the people was not to glorify God and lift up his name but to build a name for themselves.

Genesis 9:1, God told humankind: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth." God wanted people to spread out and fill the whole earth. By building the tower, the people were ignoring God's clear instructions.

tower of Babel was all about convenience, and not obedience to the will of God. The people were doing what seemed best for themselves and not what God had commanded. Their building project symbolized the pride and arrogance

the people thought they could reach heaven on their own terms.

This is why unity in the body of Christ is so important in our efforts to


With God being the creator of both heaven and earth that means that he is in charge of both heaven and earth.

No one on this earth can destroy what God creates. Even if someone tries to destroy anything it will only come back bigger and better


In the Beginning

Back to the Beginning




God doesn’t exist in time; however, time exists within God. For example time operates in 3 realms, the past, the present, and the future. It takes us a life time to go from the past, to the present, to the future, but God transcends time, He is in our past, our present, and our future. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever more, WHY, because He is not limited to time so to Him there is no difference from yester-past, present-day, or future. He is not limited to the boundaries of time for He created time.


Revelation 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.


“Darkness was upon the face of the deep…” Darkness & confusion.

“God does His best work in the Dark” You may be going through a dark point in your life, chaos is causing you to feel without form, there may seem to be no consistency in your life, you may even be wondering what is it all worth. There may be a void in your life that you may have tried to fill with everything imaginable, drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, work only to still feel a void down on the inside.

if you are lead by the Spirit in the midst of the darkness He will lead you around any obstacles and dangers that the devil has placed before you, for He said I will lead and guide you in all truth, the truth is He will not let you bump into or fall over anything.

People don’t like the darkness because it is unfamiliar territory. We don’t like the darkness because we don’t know how long we will have to be in the darkness and we cannot see in the darkness. However, it is in the darkness that God is developing our character & SHOWING US HOW TO BE MORE PATIENT


The greatest weapon we have in our fight against the enemy is to maintain an honest heart before God & speak a language that confuses the enemy while we wait to receive & recover all that God has promised us.

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