Isaiah’s Revelation And Purification Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 26, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: The message of the Lord, and the words He has spoken, will remain despite Israel's (and our) rebellion! Isaiah is invited to be one who tells the truth to those who still need to hear that forgiveness, through God's Messiah, is still possible.
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Isaiah, Part 4
Isaiah’s Revelation and Purification
Isaiah 6:1-13
- Welcome to Seasons! We are so glad that you’ve come to worship with us!
- Last week, we reviewed the warning for Judah – same one we need today!
-- Honesty: We are a sinful people, with a sinful history, who are trapped in sin!
-- But the forgiveness / protection we need is in God’s promised Messiah (Jesus)
-- RE: Jesus said to us: John 14:3, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
-- He spoke this to fulfil promise in Isa 4:3, “All who remain in Zion” (EXP.)
- Continuing this week, let’s look at one of the most crucial callings of a prophet
-- It is not often that the vision/ministry is this clearly outlined … we must see this
-- Take away: Often this is misconstrued in meaning, prayerfully today will clarify
- Read Isaiah 6:1-13 / Pray
- TR: Past few weeks we have examined God’s feeling towards Judah’s rebellion
-- And in that rebellion, we saw a promise (Ch 1-4) of God’s pending response to it
-- Enter in the man himself, Isaiah: he is just a regular man, yet one called by God
-- There are 4 things for us to see today – help us to understand Isaiah’s ministry
Point 1 – Isaiah’s Vision
- Date of the vision: ~740 BC (v1); this is his first calling to preach
-- We do know that his ministry lasted 50 years – 50 yrs of testifying for God
- Isaiah sees the Lord (this is God) in all of His glory (v1) (sight is s gift)
-- Sitting on a throne, high & lifted up; the train of His robe filled the temple
-- Appearance was one of majesty; power; think: kings sit on thrones (not chairs)
- He also sees the attendants of God: seraphim (v2) standing above the throne
-- Seraphim; “saraph” in Hebrew; “burning ones”
-- Their wings described - 6 wings each, each with a purpose for their work
-- IMP: Their praise was heard (v3) – SEE how they proclaim: to each other!
-- APP: In the presence of God almighty, all they can do is proclaim His beauty!
• Ref also in Revelation 4:8 … so each can cover his face (to show they are not worthy to look upon the LORD), so each can cover his feet (to hide this “humble” area of the body), so nothing even possibly deficient is seen in the LORD’s presence (so each can simply fly by Him and not gaze on Him)
• With voices so powerful that the foundation of the temple was shaken
- The temple was filled with smoke (v4) – consider: Shekinah Glory of God
-- The very presence of God in Heaven; often manifested in presence of God
-- Exodus 40:34-35, “Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. Moses could no longer enter the Tabernacle because the cloud had settled down over it, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.”
- TR: Never let this pass you by: To see God was a matter of life and death in OT
-- To experience His very presence would have ruined anyone – as we’ll see next
Point 2 – Isaiah’s Reaction
- TJ: Please, whatever you do, understand this point as if your future depends on it
-- This reaction of Isaiah’s sight is truly what WE need more of today! (reverence)
- Isaiah realizes & comes to a place of despair – “I am doomed” (woe is me) (v5)
-- This tracks exactly with what others did who saw this same vision:
-- Ezekiel fell on his face; Daniel lost all strength (prostrate); John fell as dead
- BIG: It is in this place, Isaiah understands his own guilt of sin (v5)
-- He is a man of unclean lips, he dwells among people of unclean lips
-- APP: He is unworthy to see this or even to be here (eternity’s implications)
- Why does He have such despair? (v5) “I have seen the King…”
-- He was very mindful of where he was; speaks to being fully conscious
• Perhaps he was remembering Exodus 33:20, (to Moses, cleft of a rock) “But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live.”
• This may have appeared as a “vision”, but he was fully within his faculties
- Never miss this: In God’s presence, you are still you – you know who you are!
-- CH: Perhaps this might help us as we repent of our sin now before we are there?