Isaiah Saw It Coming! Series
Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 23, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Isaiah foreshadowed John the Baptist preparing a way for Christ.
Isaiah Saw It Coming!
Jeffery Anselmi / General
Comfort and Joy / Prophecy about Jesus; John the Baptist / Isaiah 40:3; Mark 1:2–4
Big Idea of the Message: Isaiah foreshadowed John the Baptist preparing a way for Christ.
• We are a day away from Christmas!
• I imagine the excitement is building for many people as folks are anticipating what gifts await them under the tree on Monday morning!
• Imagine a time when there was no Christmas.
• Imagine a time when we could not say Jesus was the reason for the season because there was no Christmas season to celebrate.
• Today is the conclusion of our Comfort and Joy series.
• The foundation of this series comes to us from Isaiah 40:1-5.
• When Isaiah was given the message from God, there was definitely no Christmas.
• The nation was a mess, and people longed for change to come.
• Through the book of Isaiah, the Prophet delivered a great deal of bad news to the people; however, in Isaiah 40:1-5, God offered hope.
• I often wonder what was running through the minds of the Prophets when God gave them a message to share with the people.
• Imagine being in Isaiah's shoes when God was giving you bad news after bad news and warning after warning to give to the people.
• I am sure the burden on the hearts of the Prophets, and Isaiah was heavy.
• Chapter 40 is a turning point in the message; hope that days will be better.
• The tricky part was the wait.
• Wait, they would do!
• Decades and centuries passed before the fulfillment happened!
Mark 1:1–2 (NET 2nd ed.)
1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
2 As it is written in the prophet Isaiah……
• Last week, we looked at the joy the shepherds experienced when the angel delivered the good news.
• Over 700 years of waiting was OVER!
• The fulfillment began with the birth of Jesus, Jesus, the one and only Son of God!
• The greatest gift we can ever receive begins with a birth!
• When we talk to others about Jesus, it can become uncomfortable quickly; however, when we talk about a baby in a manger, not too many folks get worked up over that.
• Why does it go down this way?
• A baby is not a threat; adult Jesus threatens everything we have stood for and every thought we used to have about life and its' purpose.
• Today, we will examine what Isaiah saw coming and why it is significant for us today.
› Big Idea of the Message: Isaiah foreshadowed John the Baptist preparing a way for Christ.
• Let's begin in Isaiah 40:3.
Isaiah 40:3 (NET 2nd ed.)
3 A voice cries out, “In the wilderness clear a way for the LORD; build a level road through the rift valley for our God.
I. The prophecy.
• In Isaiah 40:3, the prophet foretells a remarkable prophecy, revealing God's plan for the coming of a messenger to prepare the way for the Lord.
• Isaiah is speaking of Jesus, and he is speaking of John The Baptist.
• "Clear a way" (Isaiah 40:3).
• We do this when we prepare for and announce people of honor.
• If you go to sports games, you've probably heard the announcer introduce members of the home team.
• They will usually call out their number and position to a thunder of applause from the crowd.
• Another way you may see someone prepare the way is when a special honor is about to be conferred.
• A respected member of the community will announce the great deeds of this person and prepare the audience for the honored guest.
• God did not send His son without an announcer!
• The prophecy from Isaiah holds significant meaning for us today as it speaks of God's faithfulness, His redemptive plan, and the call to prepare our hearts and lives for His arrival.
• The Promise of God's Faithfulness.
• Isaiah's prophecy reminds us that God is faithful to His promises.
• Throughout history, He has consistently fulfilled His Word; this prophecy is no exception.
• Just as God sent a messenger to prepare the way before, He will fulfill His promise to send the Messiah, our Savior.
• This assurance of God's faithfulness brings hope and strengthens our trust in Him, even in uncertain times.
• Sometimes we question God's faithfulness because of timing; God's, timing usually does not line up with ours.
• I can imagine the people of Isaiah's time feeling somewhat let down when the one preparing the path for the Lord had not shown yet, much less the Messiah.