
Summary: Exposition of Isaiah 55

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Isaiah 55

An Invitation to be Restored

Invitation to Receive God’s Promises vs. 1-7

God’s Ways are Higher vs. 8-13

Call to Righteousness vs. 1-8


Last week we looked at Isaiah 54 and drew from it the message from God that is was time to rebuild

He called us to enlarge our tents, get a fresh start, and build a rich foundation

This week he builds on that by reminding us of his promises, His ways, and calls us to holiness

But he starts with an invitation

We get invitations for all kinds of things, weddings, baby showers, and birthday parties

Sometimes you have to be invited to be part of a group

Augusta National has only 300 members and is one of the toughest clubs to get in

The most exclusive club in the world is the Members of the Order of Merit

The Order was founded by King Edward VII in 1902 and members are chosen by the monarch -

An honor awarded to individuals of great achievement in the fields of the arts, learning, literature and science.

It is restricted to 24 members and the meet for lunch every two years at Buckingham Palace

Past members have included Florence Nightingale (the first woman member), writer T. S. Eliot, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela

While we may never be a member of Augusta National or the Order of Merit Jesus does invite us to a club that has more benefits than both of these clubs combined

Jesus invites Israel, and us, to partake in his promises this morning

This isn’t just a spiritual makeover it comes with promises that are for everyone who is part of the club

Read Isaiah 55:1-5


The Israelites are being sent on a rebuilding project back to Jerusalem

God is going to use them to pave the path for the coming Messiah

There is only one problem… They Got Nothing!!!

That is where God has to remind them of his Promises

God’s Promises are so rich and deep

We can hang our whole life on His promises

We are going to see three promises from God that don’t cost us a thing

He wants to feed us, lead us, and forgive us

What’s interesting is that God is inviting us to receive his promises

There are six phrases that we want to focus on this morning

Invitation to Receive God’s Promises vs. 1-7

Vs. 1-2 Everyone who thirsts, come to the Waters

He has spoken to the nation and now he speaks to the soul

So he has told Israel to enlarge it’s tents and lay a rich foundation

This has to be a little disconcerting the Jews because they are going back to ruble

But they are also going back with nothing. They have to start all over

God recognizes this and addresses their concerns

He also recognizes that they are empty inside and gives them an opportunity to be filled

Is 44:3 For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.

He tells them to come to Him everyone who thirsts and has no money

That pretty much sums up the whole group

What he is telling them is that he has everything covered and will provide

It is not an invitation to everyone - but everyone who thirsts.

Only those who thirst will come to the waters.

If we aren’t thirsty for what the LORD can give us, then we will never come to His waters.

Matt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Those who do thirst, and answer the LORD’s invitation, don’t need to bring money.

Their money won’t really do them any good.

They can simply bring their trust and faith and receive what God has to give them.

Water . . . wine . . . milk: It’s all free.

John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

This call is still going out to everyone who wants more of the Lord

The reason that we don’t experience this is because we desire something else

Vs. 2 why do you spend your money for that which is not bread?

God asks His people - “Why do you spend money for what can’t satisfy?”

This is a remarkably relevant question, in light of all the things we can pour our time and money and effort into - things which will never satisfy they way the LORD can satisfy.

Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance: The invitation is clear.

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