
Summary: The great power of God in deliverance

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INTRO: Tell of the greatness of God in creation. 1st day - light; * 2nd day - God divided the

waters under the firmament from the waters above the firmament and called it heaven.

* 3rd day - Dry land (earth), grass, herb, fruit trees. * 4th day - divided the day & night.

* 5th day - all living creatures. * 6th day - man. * Rested the 7th day.

* This same God holds the world in His hands. * The weight of the earth is 6.6 sextillion tons.

* That is 6,6 with twenty "0’s" on the end of it. * My God is awesome.

* He keeps up with everything! Pr.15:3 "The eyes of the Lord are in every place ................"

* God is the One Who keeps everything under control. * This same God keeps the water at the

ocean from drowning the land. * He keeps everything in place on the earth as it spins over

1000 miles per hour and moves around the sun at 66,600 MPH.

* If God is able to do all these things, isn’t He able to deliver?

* Let’s ask some in the Bible this same question!

(1) DANIEL IN OUR TEXT! * Darius set 120 men or princes over his kingdom.

* And over these 120 were 3 presidents of whom Daniel was first.

A) He was preferred because an excellent spirit was upon him. (6:3)

* The princes and presidents sought to find fault with Daniel, but the only fault .....prayed....

B) So they go to the king (vs.7). * In vs.10, Daniel knew that the writing was signed, but he

still prayed. * So these men kept watch on Daniel & they saw & heard him pray again.

* They go back to the king (vs.12-13) * The king told Daniel, "Your God will deliver you."

C) In vs.18, the king couldn’t sleep that night. * He arose the next morning and went to the

den of lions & said with a weeping voice, (vs.20) "O Daniel, servant of the ................"

* Perhaps Daniel didn’t here him the 1st time, so the king said again, "O Daniel, .........."

D) Daniel yawns real big and answers in vs.21-22.

* Now, look what happens to those who undermined Daniel in vs.24!

* Is thy God able to deliver Daniel? YES; My God is able to deliver!

(2) ASK MOSES! * Moses was sent by God to do a job. * Pharaoh had God’s people as

slaves. * They cried for deliverance daily. * Moses went to give the message to Pharaoh.

A) Pharaoh wouldn’t take heed to the message from God, so God had to send His wrath.

* Water to blood (magicians) * Frogs in the house * Lice-man and beast (magicians couldn’t)

B) Swarms of flies * Bad sickness on the cattle (grievous murrain), all cattle died except for

the Israelite’s cattle.

* Ashes of furnace became small dust and made terrible blisters on man and beast.

* Boils came upon all the Egyptians.

C) Pestilence * Grievous hail and fire ran along the ground.

* Locusts were so many you couldn’t see the earth. * Thick darkness in all of Egypt. (Illus.)

D) The first born died. * Not one house in Egypt where death did not come.

* Pharaoh finally let God’s people go! * But he followed & were killed in the Red Sea.

* Moses, is thy God able to deliver thee? YES; my God is able to deliver!

(3) ASK LITTLE DAVID! * 1 Sam.17 * He was just a young man, a youth.

* But he had great faith and power in God! * Elaborate on story.

* David, is thy God able to deliver thee? YES; my God is able to deliver!

(4) ASK SHADRACH, MESHACH, ABEDNEGO! * Thrown into the fiery furnace!

* Heated seven times hotter than normal.

* Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, is thy God able to deliver? YES; our God is .....!

(5) ASK PETER! * Herod killed James. * Peter was thrown into prison and was sleeping

between 2 guards. * He was bound with chains & other soldiers at the door.

A) An angel came and woke him up and the chains fell off his hands and feet.

* The angel told him to put on his shoes and clothes and to follow him.

* God delivered him from prison, and not one soldier caught him!

* Peter, is thy God able to deliver you? YES; my God is able to deliver!

(6) ASK THE LAME MAN IN ACTS 3! * He was lame from his mother’s womb.

* Peter and John passed by and said, "Look on us. Silver & gold .........................."

* The man got up and walked and leaped and praised God!

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