
Summary: Christ has been banned from government, kicked out of school, blacked out of the media, but to be replaced by an “X” on His own holiday does not seem appropriate.

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Christ has been banned from government, kicked out of school, blacked out of the media, but to be replaced by an “X” on His own holiday does not seem appropriate. Centuries ago, “X” was placed before “mas”, “X” being symbolic of the Greek letter “CHRI” which is the initial for Christos in the Greek language and signifies Christ.

We don’t know Greek, had other motives for using “X”

We should do away with the “X” and put Christ back in again.

Let’s Take the “X” Out of Christmas

Let’s take the “X” out of Christmas,

And let’s put Christ in again.

The day’s the birthday of a King,

Not that of an unknown man.

The tinsel, the glitter, the glamor,

The noise of the parties gay

Have all but obscured the reason

That we celebrate the day.

We surely would not write “X-ian”

For the Christians her on earth;

Then why do many write “X-mas”

For the day of the Saviour’s birth?

It’s an honor that really is due Him

O’er that to a common man;

So let’s take “X” out of “Christmas”

And let’s put Christ in again.

—Cyril W. Wommack

I. There was NO ROOM for Christ in the Xcitement of HIS birthday

A. Xamine the Xcitement that keeps Christ out

B. Xclude the Xcesses that keep Christ out.

II. There is NO ROOM for Christ in the Xhibits on HIS holiday.

Xchange the Xhibits that crowd Christ out.

III. Is there NO ROOM for Christ in your Xpression, today?

A. Xcuse our Xpressions

B. Xtol the Xalted

Wallace Purling was nine that year and in the second grade, though he should have been in the fourth. Most people in town knew that he had difficulty in keeping up. He was big and clumsy, slow in movement and mind. Though he was well liked, no one wanted him on their ball team.

He was always a helpfl boy, a willing and smiling one. He rather liked the idea of being a shepherd with a flute in the Christmas pageant that year, but the play’s director assigned him to a “more important role,” or at least that’s what she told Wally. After all, she reasoned, the Innkeeper did not have too many lines, and Wally’s size would make him look more adult.

In the play, Joseph appeared, slowly, tenderly guiding Mary to the door of the inn. Joseph knocked hard on the wooden door set into the painted backdrop. Wally the Innkeeper was there, waiting. “What do you want?” Wally said, swinging the door open over dramatically.

“We seek lodging.”

“Seek it elsewhere.” Wally looked straight ahead but spoke vigorously.

“The inn is filled.”

“Sir, we have asked everywhere in vain. We have traveled far and are very weary.”

“There is no room in this inn for you.” Wally looked properly stern.

“Please, good innkeeper, this is my wife, Mary. She is heavy with child and needs a place to rest. Surely you must have some small corner for her. She is so tired.”

Now, for the first time, the Innkeeper relaxed his stiff stance and looked down at Mary. With that, there was a long pause. Wally seemed to have forgotten his next line.

“No! Begone!” the promter whispered from the wings.

“No!” Wally repeated automatically. “Begone!”

Joseph and Mary hung their heads, and slowly moved away. The scrpt said that the Innkeeper was to go back into the inn. But Wally stood there in the doorway, watching the forlorn couple. His mouth was open, his brow cresed with concern, his eyes filling with tears.

“Don’t go,Joseph,” Wally called out. “Bring mary back.” Long pause. “You can have my room!”

Some say Wally ruined the pageant. Yet others—many others—considered it the most Christmas of all Christmas pageants they had ever seen.

So here it is. We can bemoan all the commercialism, and all the worldliness, and all the inappropriate observances of Christmas, or we can change the script a little, and subversively take it back for ourselves.

—Keith Bassham, Christmas, the Appearing, Baptist Bible Tribune, December 2005, Vol 56 #4

One of the great religious painting of this century is Holman Hunt’s, “Christ at the Door.” I trust you have seen it. It is a masterpiece of art, but even an artist of Hunt’s abilities could not capture on canvas the longing look in the eyes of the Lord Jesus as He stands seeking admittance to the human heart and home. Nor could a Hunt capture on canvas the tilt of the Saviour’s ears as He longingly listens for the sound of someone answering His knock.

One can surely understand the concern of Christ. He created the soul. But, as already noted, He paid the price for the conversion of that soul with His own blood poured out as He was spiked, stretched out and sacrificed on Calvary’s cross. Now He knocks that He might save that lost soul, satisfy the hungerings and thirstings of a sin-saddened, sin-sickened soul, and assure that Hell-bound sinner of Heaven as his home. Just now, in the same way and to meet the same wants, Jesus stands at your heart’s door.

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