
Summary: We need more men with calloused knees than degrees.

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Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. KJV

Someone made mention online about so many preachers with doctorates. Indeed, it would be tough for a bunch of fishermen to find a place to minister today especially if they are over forty. When you see the ratio of unlearned and learned men that Jesus picked it is interesting to see today's ratio. I guess we are pretty sick since we need so many doctors. The irony is that many churches don't really need a doctor they think they need and when they get one they don't know what to with him.

My college was well know and accredited and all that, but I was not impressed with some of my classes. I actually felt I learned more doing my own study in the library than in some of the classes. I would also have to say that the Ministerial School of Hard Knocks taught me more than I learned in class though I must admit that they gave me a sound hermeneutic to work from that many pastors do not get be they schooled or life taught.

One of my professors told how he spent five years at our school and then spent another five years in another school learning the same thing to get his ThM. That did not add to my desire to get more paper and spend tons of money and time to get them.

When I was seeking for a church after college I found that so many of the deacons that did the interviewing were often not more than high school graduates but they all wanted a doctor. Many of them said I was too deep in the word. That made me wonder what in the world they would do with me with two more degrees if I was too deep for them with one? I tried to lighten up at one church and the congregation loved me, but the deacons felt I was too shallow. From too deep to too shallow in two sermons. Go figure.

Many of these churches were very small and had been through several pastors some one a year for five years and only wanted to pay a $100 a week. A lad with a fresh doctorate with a bunch of student loans, a new wife and a child on the way would have been hard pressed to live off of that. Many were also looking for a two for one sale hoping my wife could play piano, sing, teach, and even finish my sermon if I died in the pulpit. Well, maybe not that last part since most Baptists do not believe in women preachers/pastors, but the more they could get her to do the better. One group was really making my wife look useless since she could not do all they wanted and I nearly went across the table to punch someone, but pastors are not meant to be brawlers so I restrained myself.

Many churches had wonderful doctrinal statements, constitutions, articles of fellowship and such but I don't think they had read them in many years as often their desires and questions about me showed they wanted something far different from what they had in writing. Several had paperwork that looked like they went to some sort of doctrinal buffet and picked out some things that were weird. One church did not care what mode of baptism you used but you could not be a member and smoke. How some of them got my resume I will never know.

Indeed, there was a need for a doctor, but not necessarily a ThD or a PhD that is now the trend. Maybe that is because if the pastor thing doesn't work you can get a job in a secular filed or school easier if you do the PhD thing. With all the colleges and seminaries and doctors you would think we would have the most bible literate nation in history. Ah, tis not so, my friends. I have heard a lot of things coming from pulpits and the mouths of Christians that if I had hair I would have to pull it out.

Education can be a good thing, but I also remember that in the period that was called the dark ages the bulk of theologians were ThMs and ThDs. The Pharisees and Sadducees all had their version of a PhD. Thus a Dr. in front of the name does not promise wisdom or even knowledge. Conversely, a person with no training is not a promise that God is speaking to him either. We have a bounty of learned and unlearned heretics in the world and certainly more than our fair share in America.

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