
Summary: For many today the Resurrection Power is not evident. There are many stones that need to be rolled away so they can experience the risen Christ.


Text: Matthew 28:1-7

The Great News Jesus is alive.

Just three days before they had seen Him die and be buried.

They had come to embalm Him, and worried how they would get to His body in the tomb.

These women knew that the tomb had been sealed by the Pharisees and Chief Priests.

They knew a guard had been posted.

How could they get to Jesus?

Oh, but when they got there. The stone had been rolled away.

The guards that had been posted became as dead men from fear.

The angel of the Lord had rolled it away and was sitting on it.

Had he done this for Jesus to get out? No!

Jesus is the Son of God, Emmanuel, God with us, the Creator.

The stone was moved so that the disciples could get in and be a witness to the resurrection power that Jesus had spoken of. (John 10:18)

The sad thing is, that most people have never experienced that power.

They have never known the power of the risen Lord.

Today we will examine just a few of the reasons for this. As we ask


I. Pride keeps us from experiencing the Living Christ.

A. Pride goes before destruction. (Prov. 16:18)

1. All pride is not bad. (Pride in church, kids, family, etc.)

2. But to much leads to destruction. ( never get past self)

B. A Haughty spirit before a fall. (Prov. 16:18)

1. To much pride leads to this.

2. I can do nothing wrong attitude eventually leads to a fall.

C. If pride is there the stone is still there between you and Jesus.

II. Bitterness keeps us from experiencing the Living Christ.

A. Bitterness toward others separates you from God.

1. Follow peace with all men and holiness. (Heb. 12:14-15)

2. Without it no one shall see the Lord.

3. Looking diligently… lest any root of bitterness spring up.

B. Bitterness toward yourself also separates.

1. Unable to forgive yourself.

2. Blaming yourself for everything.

C. If bitterness is there then the stone is also.

III. Selfishness keeps you from experiencing the Living Christ.

A. Keeping everything to yourself. (mine, mine, mine)

1. Finances.

2. Stuff.

3. Time.

B. Keeping Jesus all to yourself. (He’s mine)

1. I found Him.

2. I’m not sharing.

C. If selfishness is there then the stone has not moved.

IV. But to many the stone has been rolled away.

A. Pride has fallen and surrender to Jesus has taken place.

B. Bitterness has been replaced with love.

C. The selfish nature has turned to generosity.

D. The stone has been rolled away!!!

E. The resurrection power is being realized. (HE’S ALIVE!!!)


To experience to resurrection power there has to be a change in your life.

An Admiral aboard a nuclear powered aircraft carrier sees a light in the distance one night. The light is dead ahead of the ship.

The ship radios to the unknown vessel to change it’s heading 15 degrees north. To which the unknown vessel replies no you must change your heading 15 degrees south.

This conversation goes back and forth several times with the Admiral getting furious. Finally he radios I am an Admiral in the United States Navy and this is an aircraft carrier now change your heading.

To which the voice from the unknown vessel replies, I am a seaman 3rd class and this is a lighthouse it is your call.

The direction had to be changed to avoid disaster.

The Light of the world is calling you and saying change your course you are heading for disaster.

Will you let pride get in the way, or bitterness, or selfish desires to have it your way?

One other stone may be in your way. The stone of unbelief. You don’t believe what was said today, or maybe you don’t believe that Jesus actually died for you and that you need Him as Savior. Unbelief will keep you from the resurrected Christ.

It’s your call.

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