
Summary: The Lord has given me a word for everyone that I, personally, have never heard before. But it is a word that I believe to be a word that needs to be heard.

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The Lord has given me a word for everyone that I, personally, have never heard before. But it is a word that I believe to be a word that needs to be heard. How many people do you know who say they are saved? How many people have you heard say they are saved, delivered and sanctified by the grace and mercies of God? Think about all of those people who say this about themselves, then ask yourself this question; "Are they really?" Are they really saved, redeemed, forgiven, and sanctified by the standards God's Word sets for us? 

I have seen and heard many people over the years who claim to be a "Born Again Christian" and engage in some of the vilest of sins. I have seen men and women who say they are saved and have received Jesus as Lord and Savior say and do the most outrageous abominations! I have seen and heard people who have embraced the homosexual lifestyle claim to be saved by grace. I have seen and heard people who live in adulterous relationships, relationships of fornication, and even polygamy say that they are saved and redeemed by the grace of God.

This should be an outrage in the church! The church should be appalled at what is happening in the pulpits today! Churches are ordaining homosexuals and lesbians into priesthoods and pastorship. What is happening in the church today?! Churches all over the world have forsaken the Gospel! They have stopped preaching on the Blood of Jesus! They have stopped preaching about the wages of sin! They have stopped warning sinners about Hell! You don't even hear preachers preach about how the devil will say and do everything in his power to keep you from God! You don't hear that anymore! What do you hear instead? Speeches that should be reserved for those who have lost a loved one, those who are struggling with addiction wanting to break free, those who are depressed.

Churches nowadays, all they do is talk like they're giving a lecture at a university somewhere! The altars have been shut down keeping people from coming to the throne room of grace to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! Altar calls have ceased to exist in most churches today! Nowadays, churches are so afraid of "offending" someone! Churches have allowed fear of people leaving, tithes and offerings dropping, and bad press to keep them from doing what Jesus commanded us to do in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”!

We have allowed public opinion and what not to keep us from doing what the Lord commissioned us to do! Why? Yes, it's important to reach the world and bring people to Jesus, but you can't do that if you forsake His Word and His Gospel! You can't reach people for Jesus if you won't even tell them Who Jesus is! You can't save people from the wages of sin if you won't even tell them they have sin in their life, and they need to repent, ask God for forgiveness and deliverance!

I love what Paul wrote in Romans 10:14, "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" How can anyone ever know Jesus if we don't even tell people about Him? How can you lead a person to the Lord if you don't tell them about Him? And why wouldn't you tell people about Him? Look at what all He did for us! He healed people when He was on this Earth. He healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, opened deaf ears, restored withered hands, raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, fed thousands of people with just a box lunch you'd take to school! Why wouldn't you tell people about Him? He saved you, didn't He?! He redeemed you, didn't He? He pulled you out of that pit of despair you were wallowing in, didn't He? Didn't He take the stripes on His back for you?! Didn't He take the beating He took for you?! Didn't He take the humiliation He suffered for you?! Didn't He take a crown of thorns that pierced His head through flesh and bone for you?! Didn't He allow Himself to be crucified for you?! Did He not take the nails in His hands for you?! Did He not take the nails in His feet for you?! Did He not take the thrust of the spear in His side for you?! Did He not die in your place?! Did He not hang on that cross that was meant for you?! Did He not die for you?! So, why would you not tell others about Him?

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