
Summary: The results of the pandemic have affected so much around us. Many are living in fear instead of faith. The temptation to forsake public worship or assembling together is stronger today than I have experienced before.

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Is Church Attendance Important? There is a Pandemic!

Hebrew 10:23-25 “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

The apostle calls us back to Christian fellowship. I never thought I would experience a time of persecution and unrest that could place so many people in isolation. The results of the pandemic have affected so much around us. Many are living in fear instead of faith. The temptation to forsake public worship or assembling together is stronger today than I have experienced before. The words of this text suggest that public worship is a privilege, and that Christianity is a religion for society, not thriving best in isolated lives. I fear some may decide it’s too dangerous to go to church, and will prefer to live in isolation. A few weeks ago, our governor relaxed the state’s restriction. Though it rained all day that Friday, desperate customers lined up to go into bars. It was not only for alcohol or mixed drinks; they were starving for fellowship and community. If unbelievers desire fellowship with fellow unbelievers, how much more should we desire fellowship with like minded brothers and sisters.

I enjoy watching the discovery channel sometimes. I observed that the fastest gazelle or the strongest wilder beast can be captured by a group of hungry lions if they find one of them isolated. Regardless of our spiritual strength, when the devil isolates us we are easy prey. Knowing this, why is fellowship always the last item on many church agendas?

1. Fellowship is God's way of building a community of believers. The lack of fellowship is Satan's way of assassinating believers.

2. Fellowship really is a matter of life or death.

3. Fellowship precedes growth. People who understand the necessity of fellowship usually have glad hearts and minds.

4. Fellowship tills the soil of indifference and cultivates the soil expectancy.

5. Fellowship destroys the seed of selfishness. There is a major difference in interaction with personal friends and Christian fellowship. We could dramatically increase the level of interdependence if we fellowshipped on a consistent basis. Not only does fellowship precede growth, growth is a direct result of fellowship.

7. Fellowship allows trust to be built. The close connection secured during periods of fellowship grants us the freedom to trust others with our personal weaknesses. When our hearts are joined as one, we find no pleasure in exposing other's weaknesses. Much of our spiritual strength is the result of nourishment received from the root of fellowship. How can I bear my neighbors burden, if I do not foster and cultivate a healthy relationship with my neighbor?

Serious saints recognize fellowship assist in converting them into useful vessels. God has commissioned each of us to encourage the other. Life struggles have been design to extract our strength; fellowship is designed to replace it. The word teaches us the importance of assembling for worship and fellowship. Because Christ is soon to come we must encourage all believers through fellowship and love like never before.

Observe here, that in the apostle's time there were Christian assemblies, in which Christians did meet together to worship and serve God, and edify and comfort one another; and, in times of peace and liberty, they had convenient places erected, and set apart for that purpose. The light of Scripture, we see God was worshipped regularly, solemnly and publicly; that public worship pleases him most, and that he accepts it best. In the midst of trials and heavy persecution many were tempted to forsake the assemblies. It was the manner of some to forsake the public assemblies out of sloth and negligence; others out of fear and persecution. This was a dangerous sin then and it still is today. When the worship services are neglected and worshippers’ commitment to God and Christ wanes, backsliding is near.

The duty and charge of this text is not to forsake the assembling together, as some do. Why? The Christian assemblies are the life, the food, and nourishment of our souls. Consequently forsaking of church-assemblies is usually the forerunner of apostasy. The apostle give great encouragement to this duty because the day of God is approaching. What day? The day of death and judgment coming upon, and hastening towards us. The warning given of approaching judgment ought to urge us to special diligence in all evangelical duties. To see evidently the approaches of death and judgment, and yet not to be alert and diligent in the duties of divine worship, is a sign and token of a backsliding frame, tending unto final apostasy from Christ and his holy religion.

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