Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?
Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: No matter how things might appear immpossible to ue, there is nothing too hard for the Lord.
October 12th, 2003
Let us pray
Thanks to all of you for your prayers while my wife and I were away in Jamaica. Thanks
to our ministers who preached and taught in my absence. Thanks for your love and your
kindness...........I had a time to relax, but I did not get a chance to go to the beach.......My
wife had warned me about driving in Jamaica, and I told her I could drive anywhere, but
after being in Jamaica, I have changed my mind, no driving for me in Jamaica.............
Today I would like to encourage you all, as we ask the question, Is Any Thing Too Hard
For The Lord? As I look at Jamaica my native land, and hear of the killing and violence
taking place, I might ask the question, Is Any Thing Too Hard For The Lord? In our
eyes we might see the impossible; in our eyes we might see destruction; in our eyes we
might see failure; but the question is, Is Any Thing Too Hard For The Lord?
Last Tuesday night I was watching the baseball game in Jamaica, it was the Chicago Cubs
versus the Florida Marlins. The Cubs were leading 3 nothing in the bottom of the 7th
inning. The Cubs fans were excited and were getting ready to celebrate, they were 6 outs
away. If nothing extraordinary happens the Cubs would be going to the World series.To
the surprise of the Cubs fans, and all those who were watching, the impossible took place;
something happened that changed the course of events; the Marlins scored 8 times in the
top of the 8th inning. I could not believe what had taken place, and the Cubs lost the
game, lost the series, and the chance of going to the World Series, because the impossible
became possible. Who in their wildest dream would have thought the Marlins would have
won the game, to Chicago that was impossible, but the Marlins made what appeared to be
an impossible task, become possible.
Maybe today you are in a situation where it appears no good possible can occur; it
appears there is no way out, if that is the case, re-mem-ber the Flo-ri-da Mar-lins. The
Marlins might have thought they were going to loose, but they did not give up, they kept
on going, and the impossible became possible. Saints of God, with God all things are
possible, and there is nothing too hard for the Lord.
As the year 2003 starts winding down, don’t forget those dreams that you had at the
beginning of the year. Don’t forget those goals you had set out to achieve, and do not
forget that with God all things are possible, and there is nothing too hard for the Lord.
Please turn with me in your bibles to Genesis 18 verses 1 through 15, and Let’s all
stand and read together.
The question, Is any thing too hard for the Lord? is a question that need to be
answered. For thousand of years man have failed to answer this question, man may have
doubt, so let’s ask Bro. Jeremiah this question, and see what he says. In Jeremiah 32 verse
17 we read these words, "Ah, Lord God! behold, Thou hast made the heaven and
the earth by Thy great power and stretched-out arm, and there is nothing too hard
for Thee." I trust today we all will agree with Jeremiah, and realize that there is nothing
too hard for the Lord............
In Genesis 15 verses 4 through 6 God gave a promise to A-bram before his name was
changed to A-bra-ham. (read) Abram believed God. Abraham the friend of God,
believed what-ever God said it would come to pass. Even though A-bra-ham believed
God, I wonder what was going through his mind, because he was getting older, and God’s
promise was not fulfilled.........elaborate....
Some-times in life we might have our doubts as to what God is saying, and we might try
to help God out. Sa-rah, Abraham’s wife, tried to help God out. I can hear Sarah
speaking, Abraham darling, we are not getting any younger, and we still do not have a
child. I have a plan that I am sure will work. I have a plan that is guaranteed. I have a plan
that you can try out for yourself. God’s man listened to his wife. God’s man belived his
wife, and forgot what God had promised to him..........elaborate.....
Let’s turn to Genesis 16 verses 1 through 4 (read) I want some-one to know today, if God
told you he is going to do some-thing, and you are sure it is God speaking, do not be mis-
lead by any-one, no matter who they are, but just simple wait on God, and believe God
until the answer comes. God does not need your help or my help, God is able to operate