
Summary: This is the 49th sermon in the series "Action". This series is from the Book of Acts and the Epistles. This series began when the COVID19 pandemic began.

Series: Action [#49]


Acts 17:10-34


Acts 17:10-15

As we studied last week, each person must choose to say yes or no to Jesus. In Thessalonica, there were some who were saved; and there were others who wanted to destroy anybody who believed in Jesus. The believers in Thessalonica sent Paul and Silas to Berea during the night. Unfortunately, some of those trouble makers travelled to Berea when they heard that Paul was preaching the Gospel of Jesus to them. So once again, the believers had to send Paul away to keep him safe.

Acts 17:16-21

It did not take Paul long to upset some people; but he took advantage of the opportunity to go to the Areopagus and preach about Jesus. It is obvious that these people enjoyed spending time debating and arguing about things. I want us to notice how Paul introduced Jehovah God to these people.

Acts 17:22-23


1. Acknowledged how religious they were.

Paul complimented them on how religious they were. He pointed out that they were striving to be religious even to the point of honoring an unknown god. These people were very similar to many in the USA- They are religious; but not Christian. They did not want to hurt someone’s feelings by not recognizing their god, so they covered all of their bases. The new name for that now is being “woke”. Being woke is a term that refers to awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice.

Acts 17:24-31


2. Preached to them about the One True God.

In these verses, Paul describes many attributes of God.

God is the…

* Creator of the universe.

God created this world and everything on it.

God is the…

* Sustainer of life.

God gave life to everything that is living- The animals, the plants, etc… Not only does God give life; but He also sustains it.

God is the…

* Ruler of all nations.

I love this point. There have been many nations to have ruled the world- Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome. In fact, many compare the USA to Rome. All 5 of those nations have fallen. God is in control of what happens in every nation.

God is the…

* Father of mankind.

God created male and female. He breathed life into us. God knew that He would have to pay our price of sin so that He could have a relationship with us.

God is the…

* Judge of the world.

In the end, we will all stand before God. You will either be judged according to all of your evil works; or you will be seen as pure through the blood of Jesus.

Acts 17:32-34


3. Recognized the different responses.

These 3 responses still apply to people hearing the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Some people…

* Mock the message of Jesus Christ.

There will always be people who think that the message of Jesus is ridiculous. Over the last several years, we have heard many politicians and media mock Christianity. They talk about how stupid and gullible we are.

Some people…

* Agree to hear the message of Jesus Christ again.

These people did not choose to follow Jesus as Savior; but they did not reject Jesus either.

Some people…

* Believe and confess the message of Jesus Christ and are saved.

There were many who gave their lives to Jesus and began to fellowship with one another.


Do people find the One True God through your words and actions; or are they pushed farther away?

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